Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Proposes Taxing Beverages by Sugar Content

The disgusting, dumb ass Democrat, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, is currently proposing a bill that would tax beverages by the amount of sugar the drink contains.

Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Proposes Taxing Beverages by Sugar Content

Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro Proposes Taxing Beverages by Sugar Content

I don’t need some stupid skanky liberal nut-job telling me how much sugar to ingest, or Democrats stealing more money from my pocket because I want to have a sweetened drink.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro and the rest of the brainless jackass Democrats need to mind their own business, and stay the hell out of my diet choices!

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced this week the Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tax (SWEET Act), which aims to institute a tax of one cent per teaspoon – 4.2 grams – of sugar, high fructose corn syrup or caloric sweetener.

The measure (HB 5279), introduced Wednesday says, “A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains about 16 teaspoons of sugars. Yet, the American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume no more than six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day.”

Even though the manufacturers’ of the sweet drinks are targeted to pay the

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