Nutless Pussy Choke Artist Loser Mitt Romney Weasels Way Back Into Limelight With Half-Witted Attacks On Trump

Mitt Romney is a stupid nutless pussy, who should just go craw back under the rock he has been hiding beneath for the last 4 years.

Nutless Pussy Loser Mitt Romney Weasels Way Back Into Limelight With Half-Witted Attacks On Trump

Nutless Pussy Loser Mitt Romney Weasels Way Back Into Limelight With Half-Witted Attacks On Trump

Nobody really gives a flying fuck what some stupid loser thinks, except for maybe the corrupt Republicans he is trying to help with his attacks on Donald Trump.

Watch Trump destroy Mitt Romney in his response to Ronmey’s brainless attacks.

Mitt Romney has no balls, no personality, and lets not forget how he lost an easily winnable presidential election to a foreign Muslim terrorist, who wants nothing more than to destroy America from the inside.

If Mitt Romney ran for President again, and was the nominee (wouldn’t happen in a million years) I would rather write in a vote for Mickey Mouse, than to vote for such a worthless pussy as Ronmey!

Watch the entire Trump response here.

Mitt Romney advised Republicans to vote for whichever candidate “has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state,”

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