Obama’s State Department Spent $70,000 On Copies of “Dreams From My Father”

Obama State Department spent $70,000 on copies of Obama's book "Dreams From My Father"

Obama State Department spent $70,000 on copies of Obama's book "Dreams From My Father"

Why the help is our government spending ANY of our tax dollars on Obama’s book?

The ghost-written drivel in Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father”, is nothing that libraries need any help to purchase, if they want a copy, but there is no value at all to reading this book. “Dreams from My Father” is nothing more than a book of lies, stitched together with a few embellished truths, and dressed up to get Obama elected. Nothing more.

The State Department has bought more than $70,000 worth of books authored by President Obama, sending out copies as Christmas gratuities and stocking “key libraries” around the world with “Dreams from My Father” more than a decade after its release.

The U.S. Embassy in Egypt , for instance, spent $28,636 in August 2009 for copies of Mr. Obama’s best-selling 1995 memoir. Six weeks earlier, the embassy had placed another order for the same book for more than $9,000, federal purchasing records show.

About the same time, halfway around

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