Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton Staffers Caught On Hidden Camera Saying That He Could Grab Co-Worker’s Ass Twice And Not Be Fired


Hillary Clinton staffers BUSTED in new Veritas hidden video sting, in which a Clinton staffer says the “bar of acceptable conduct in this campaign is pretty low” and that he could grab a co-workers ass TWICE, and not be fired. They also admit to committing voter fraud by ripping up Republican voter registration forms.

Let’s see how the media coverage of this “sexual assault” talk compars with the wall to wall media frenzy coverage of Donald Trump’s hot mike conversation..
I would guess that NONE of the Hillary sucking media will ever show or talk about the Veritas hidden video sting that caught Hillary’s staffers talking about committing sexual assault.

If the sexual assault talk wasn’t enough, we also have the Hillary Clinton staff talking about their CRIMES of ripping up voter registration cards of Republicans.

These Clinton staffers should be immediately fired, and there should be an investigation into the Democrat voter fraud they admitted to, and all guilty parties should be tried and sent to prison.

Hillary Clinton will not be far behind them on her way to prison as well! WE CAN’T WAIT!

Hillary Clinton’s campaign just had its own locker room moment.

The latest video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas shows Wylie Mao, a Hillary Clinton field organizer, bragging about being able to grab a “co-worker’s” ass and not get fired, which O’Keefe noted should ring a bell for anyone who has been following Donald Trump’s latest scandal.

Project Veritas’ camera caught Mao at a West Palm Beach bar, explaining just how low the bar for sexual misconduct is inside the Clinton campaign.

“I think the bar of acceptable conduct in this campaign is pretty low,” he stated with a laugh. “To be fired I would have to grab Emma’s ass twice and she would have to complain about it, I would have to sexually harass someone.”

Next, an off-camera voice says to Mao, “she says she wants to go to Hillary’s thing at Coral Springs.”

“Tell her to get in line,” Mao responds.

“Tell her to fuck off and volunteer for S Weekend because it’s a weekend of action, and you can’t win votes at a fucking rally,” Mark Hodges, another Clinton field organizer, adds from off-screen.

Later in the video, a PVA journalist approaches Mao — now wearing a different shirt — in a secondary location and asks, “Hey Wylie. I’d just like to ask you a little bit about the sexual conduct going on with the Hillary campaign. Is the bar pretty low?”

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