Weak and Racist Brain-Dead Obama Supporting Thugs Threaten to Assassinate Romney If Elected

Brain-dead violent racist thug Obama supporters say that they will assassinate Mitt Romney

Brain-dead violent racist thug Obama supporters say that they will assassinate Mitt Romney

Brain-dead racist thugs say that they will assassinate Mitt Romney if he beats Obama and takes the Presidency.

Democrats want to kill anyone who doesn’t agree with their demented beliefs, just the same as the Democrats did when they assassinated President Lincoln for freeing the slaves. If Booth would have assassinated Lincoln a little while earlier, the Democrats would probably still be fighting to keep black people in shackles, as slaves. Fortunately for them, Lincoln was a Republican, and he stopped the Democrats from being able to keep slaves, but did not kill the Democrat’s love of slavery.

These pieces of shit posting on Twitter need to be taken seriously because liberals have a brain disorder which would make it easy to follow through on their unhinged thoughts, so every nutless jackass who has said anything about murdering Romney should be investigated, and anyone with so much as a speeding ticket should be rounded up and promptly placed in a jail cell to wait their trial.


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Anti-American Protests – World-Wide Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Noise’ & ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Anti-American Protests - World Riots - Americans Attacked and Killed - All Just 'Bumps in the Road' for Obama

Anti-American Protests – World Riots – Americans Attacked and Killed – All Just ‘Bumps in the Road’ for Obama

Americans have been killed, continue to be targets of violence, and people around the world riot against Obama’s foreign policy, yet Obama calls the world unrest just “bumps in the road”.

If these world-wide problems and violence are just “bumps in the road” for the Obama administration, this goes to show how completely out-of-touch with reality Obama really is – both in domestic and foreign policy.

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

Middle East Anti-Obama Riots

The administration is pushing back against questions and criticism over the security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, as well as President Obama’s remarks about the Middle East in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes.”

Asked if the unrest in the Middle East has given him pause, President Obama said he knew there were “going to be bumps in the road,” in the interview.

“I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights—a notion that—people have—to be able to—participate—in—their own governance,”

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Astroturf: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems. Notice their sign which reads "Capitalism Is Organized Crime"

So, liberal, Socialist, and Marxist anti-capitalism groups, and the corrupt liberal media, and the Obama administration want the American People to believe the “Occupy Wall Street” and “Occupy DC” riots are a result of grassroots anger and discontent, but we are now learning that many of these idiots have been actually PAYED TO PARTICIPATE in the anti-business, anti-capitalism riots.

This is the same type of typical lies and deception that the Obama administration and the other jackasses on the left try to pass onto the American People as fact, but we all know that these people cannot be trusted.

We also are learning that the real people behind the anti-capitalism riots are the labor unions, George Soros, the Obama administration, and other anti-American jackasses.

When stinky hippie protesters carry signs that read “Capitalism Is Organized Crime”, and all of the brainless losers around them agree, there is no more hiding from the truth!

A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on

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