Democrat John Conyers Loses Appeal to Be Included on Primary Ballot After Failing to Submit 1000 Signatures

Democrat John Conyers has had his golden ticket taken away as he lost his appeal to be included on the primary ballot after state election officials found problems with his nominating petitions.

Democrat John Conyers Loses Appeal to Be Included on Primary Ballot After Failing to Submit 1000 Signatures

Democrat John Conyers Loses Appeal to Be Included on Primary Ballot After Failing to Submit 1000 Signatures

Conyers apparently only turned in 592 valid signatures, which is far short of the required 1,000 signatures. Reports from clerks in Detroit also show that some of Conyers’ circulators weren’t properly registered to vote, and therefore ineligible.

Michigan’s Secretary of State’s office affirmed the decision by Detroit-area election officials that petition signatures gathered by at least five circulators were invalid “because they were either not registered to vote, not registered to vote while the petitions were being circulated or had addresses on the petitions that didn’t match their voter registrations”

Conyers has been a Representative for far too long, and it was really about time for John Conyers to retire anyway. Michigan is in desperate need of new “leadership”, which they will now be able to have.

It is very unlikely …

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