Issa Letter Questions Obama’s Involvement With ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Walking Scandal & Coverup

Chairman of the House oversight committee, Darrel Issa, has sent a scathing letter to Obama, asking him to explain his involvement in the now boiling over ‘Fast and Furious” Gun Walking Scandal & Coverup, which his administration has claimed executive privilege over, meaning that they were involved in the scandal and coverup.

Obama is definitely and intentionally obstructing the Congress, and we are 100% sure that Obama will try and skirt or change the law to try and weasel out of having to own up to his involvement in the gun running scandal that led to hundreds of deaths, as well as the murder of a US Border Agent.

The chairman of the House oversight committee investigating White House involvement in the botched “gun-walking” program that led to the 2010 death of U.S. Border Patrol agent accused President Obama on Monday of downplaying his involvement in the program or intentionally obstructing the Congress’ inquiry.

Rep. Darrel Issa’s letter to Obama questioned the legal basis of the White House move to withhold subpoenaed documents from the Government Reform and Oversight Committee

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