Senile Nancy Pelosi Says There Was No FISA Under Bush Administration – FISA Created in 1978

Senile Nancy Pelosi Says There Was No FISA Under Bush Administration - FISA Created in 1978

Senile Nancy Pelosi Says There Was No FISA Under Bush Administration – FISA Created in 1978

We have heard this same lie from multiple Obama sheep and cronies.

“When it comes to spying on Americans, Obama is doing is much different that what President Bush did because Obama created the FISA court.”

This is a complete lie that most Obama-swooning sheep will never know the truth about, but the truth is that OBAMA DID NOT CREATE FISA! The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 was created in… you guessed it – 1978. Pelosi knows this, but we know that Nancy Pelosi is a compulsive liar, and expected her to lie through her teeth for Obama.

“Botox-Stretch” Pelosi was right about the fact that what Obama is doing is much different than what President Bush did. President Bush spied on Foreigners, and when the terrorists abroad had contact with Americans, then the surveillence was then expanded to include the American.

Obama, on the other hand, spies on ALL AMERICANS’ phone calls, emails, text messages, and anything else they damn well please …

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Obama’s NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans – Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama's NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans - Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama’s NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans – Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama has his NSA secretly spying on millions of Americans, and Verizon has allowed an abusive government to take over their phone records, and has been turning over unsuspecting customer phone records to the NSA “on an ongoing daily basis”.

The Obama administration has even acknowledged that it is collecting a massive amount of telephone records “from at least one carrier”, which means that the corrupt Obama administration is really collecting phone records from most, if not all of the carriers.

The corrupt Obama administration has allowed this overreach where his NSA collects all call logs “between the United States and abroad” or “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls.”

the Crime and Corruption that continuously flows out of the Obama administration is amazing! If this had happened during the Bush Administration, all hell would have broken loose, and if President Bush had one of the scandals and coverups that Obama has 4-5 of, the corrupt Democrats and stupid liberals …

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Congressman Finally Calls Out Obama For Weakness on Terrorism

Bravo Congressman Tom Cotton! Bravo!

Congressman Finally Calls Out Obama For Weakness on TerrorismWe have asked the same question on many occasions, but this is the first time we have heard a Congressman or Senator bring up Obama’s weakness on Terrorism.

Why has the Obama administration allowed us to be attacked at least 5 times in 4 years, when President Bush was able to keep us safe for over 7 years after 9-11?

The answer is that President Bush was actually doing his job, and did what it took to keep us safe. Obama, on the other hand, is doing everything EXCEPT his job. Obama is campaigning, fundraising, golfing, partying with Hollywood stars, giving speeches at Planned Parenthood, and anything else he can think of except keeping us safe.

No wonder why all of the world’s terrorists wanted Obama re-elected.. Obama is a Terrorist’s best friend.

The bottom line. Bush kept us safe from terrorism, while Obama’s joke of an administration couldn’t stop a hemorrhoids attack.

Congressman Tom Cotton took to the House floor “to express grave doubts about the Obama Administration’s counterterrorism policies and programs”:

“I rise

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Obama Doesn’t REALLY Care About Black People – Black Unemployment Sky-High

Obama Doesn't REALLY Care About Black People - Black Unemployment Sky-HighObama as done absolutely nothing for the Black Community, and even less for blacks who are unemployed.

Instead of helping blacks, he has squandered away funds that could have been used to help on green energy companies that were already failing, and who ended up taking huge amounts of our money, only to file bankruptcy, making our money disappear in a quick poof of air.

Obama knew that these companies would go under, but saw an easy way to line the pockets of his friends and supporters with our money, in exchange for more political donations, and voter fraud to help win the election.

Democrats and blacks seem to hate President Bush, but in reality President Bush was the only president who gave a damn about the Black Community. Under President Bush, black unemployment was the lowest it has been in the last 50 years.

  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under President Bush is 7% unemployment.
  • The lowest point for Black unemployment under Obama is 13.8% unemployment.

This proves that Obama doesn’t care about black people. He only cares …

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New TNT Show ‘Perception’ Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

A new crime-solving drama show on TNT (like we need more), where Eric McCormack plays a neuroscience professor with paranoid schizophrenia who is recruited by the FBI, came out of the gate with a thud, as they lost half of their viewers halfway through the very first episode with a tasteless attack on President Bush.

New TNT Show 'Perception' Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

New TNT Show ‘Perception’ Loses Many Viewers On First Episode With Attack on Bush

During one scene, Eric McCormack’s character is standing in front of a mental patient, watching a TV playing President Bush’s speech where he was explaining the reasoning for going into Iraq. He then starts explaining a neurological condition where the patient cannot understand speech, but can detect lies. Seconds later the mental patient starts to laugh a little bit and then goes back silent, inferring that President Bush was lying when telling us the reasoning for sending troops into Iraq, and taking out Sadam Hussain.

The truth is that President Bush used the same intel that many other countries used, who also felt that Obama had weapons of mass destruction. Many …

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Obama 2009: “Absolutely Objects” Obamacare Is Tax — Supremes 2012: “It’s a TAX”

Obama has a big “Read My Lips.. No New Taxes” problem now. The same problem that President Bush had after he made the same mistake, and told the same lie, and it cost Bush the White House – as it will for Obama as well.

Obamacare Tax Repeal Starts on November 6th when we vote Mitt Romney into office.

Click here to donate to Mitt Romney!

Obama “Absolutely Objects” to Obamacare Being Called a Tax

Watch Obama lie through his teeth in order to try and gain support for Obama’s new tax – The largest tax increase in world history – Thanks Obama! It’s going to cost you a LOT of votes, and it’s already adding millions of dollars to Mitt Romney’s war chest.

Hatch Floor Remarks Regarding ObamaCare

Watch the full floor speech given by Senator Orrin Hatch regarding ObamaCare and the recent Florida court ruling that struck down the law as being unconstitutional.

Repeal Obamacare Now! — Or Start Looking For New Employment!

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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MSNBC Hacks Play Race Card on Reporters For Asking Questions of Obama

Racist Hacks at MSNBC play the race card on anyone who dares ask Obama questions about his lawless policies, especially when Obama doesn’t want to answer any questions, and is fleeing to go hide inside the White House.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

How can a president come out and tell the press and the American People that his administration is offering amnesty to at least 800,000 illegal immigrants aged 15 to 30, and then turn his back and walk away without answering any questions, and expect not to have questions shouted at him? We are surprised that more people didn’t shout questions, or worse, at him after such a shocking announcement!

“This is just so unprecedented and outrageous, that you have to ask the question, would the right-wing president be doing this if we had a white president there?” MSNBC guest and Democratic strategist Julian Epstein said on the channel this afternoon.

“I think it’s a very important question because

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Obama Becomes 1st US President To Raise Debt $5 Billion

Obama has purposefully kept our economy in terrible shape so that there would be more support for the REAL liberal goal, which is to greatly increase the size and scope of the government, and to make as many people dependent on government handouts as possible.

Brain-Dead liberals always try and say how President Bush damaged our economy by overspending, but President Bush spent less in the 8 years of his two terms as President than Obama has spent in less than 3 years and not even one full term.

No matter how unqualified and corrupt Obama is, most brain-dead liberals will never acknowledge what the entire country knows, which is that Obama is the absolute worst president in US history, who has badly damaged our nation, and will take centuries of work by conservatives to repair.

In the 39 months since Barack Obama took the oath of office as president of the United States, the federal government’s debt has increased by $5,027,761,476,484.56.

Although he has served less than a term, Obama is now the first American president to see the

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