Stupid Protesting Walmart Workers Now Out of Jobs After Holding Company Hostage Over Demands

LOVE IT!! These douchebag losers who went on strike to try and hold Walmart hostage are now basically out of jobs!

Yea, “POWER TO THE PEOPLE” to hold Walmart hostage to your demands really worked, didn’t it?
Not really, you dumb asses – it just helped screw yourselves and others out of a good job.

The same people who protested at the Pico Rivera CA Walmart “panicked and started crying” when they were told that their jobs were going away. I wish I could have seen their faces when they realized that their own stupidity cost them their jobs.

At least Walmart is good enough to give the affected employees two months of paid leave, which they didn’t have to do.

Stupid Protesting Walmart Workers Now Out of Jobs After Holding Company Hostage Over Demands

Stupid Protesting Walmart Workers Now Out of Jobs After Holding Company Hostage Over Demands

Walmart says that the closures are due to plumbing repairs, but that is just a good cover story to use in the media. The real reason for these store closures is to get rid of the liberal union-loving dickheads who worked there.

I wish more …

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