Obama Department of Justice Also Secretly Monitored House of Representative’s Cloak Room

Criminals-Obama-Holder-Pledge-Allegiance-to-IslamObama’s Department of Justice – What a joke! Obama should be Impeached, and people in the Obama administration should be in prison.

The Department of Justice should be called “Obama’s Department of Corruption and Self-Preservation”, because they have done nothing but obstruct justice, terrorize Americans, and protect terrorists.

Now we learn that besides the tapping of the Associated Press, they have also been eavesdropping on members of the House of Representatives.

There is no doubt that more and more details will be coming out regarding other groups target by Obama and his corrupt administration because there were/are a threat to Obama’s presidency.

California congressman Devin Nunes made the claim yesterday that the Justice Department wiretapped telephones in the House of Representative’s Cloak Room, an exclusive part of the Capitol where members are able to privately interact with one another. Nunes made the claim on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.

“I don’t trust the Department of Justice on this,” said Hewitt, referring to the subpoenas the Justice Department to obtain the Associated Press’s phone records. “Do you, Congressman Nunes?”

“No, I absolutely

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Criminal Obama Administration Illegally Wiretapped AP & Other News Organizations

Criminal Obama Administration Illegally Wiretapped AP & Other News OrganizationsWhere will the Obama administration’s corruption and criminal actions ever end? The answer is: when his skinny mixed-race ass is thrown out of office.
The most corrupt president in US history has corruption, cronyism, and waste in his blood.

Ever since Obama was elected, the American People have been subjected to being lied to over and over by Obama’s cronies, while covering up the Obama administration’s corruption and outright criminal actions.

Team Corruption has even been secretly and illegally wiretapping AP and other news organizations, in a crime the AP calls a ‘Massive and unprecedented intrusion’.

Why would Obama feel that he needs to illegally wiretap the AP and other news organizations who’s reporters are already working for the Obama administration?
Could it be that Obama’s cronies have been monitoring what reporters are towing the administration’s line, and who has fallen out of line, and in need of an attitude adjustment?

We think that this is exactly the reason who Obama has been spying on news organizations, but one thing is for sure. The corruption of the Obama administration never

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Brainless Democrat Immigration Policies Allow Terrorists to Kill Us Using Tax Dollars

Do we want more 9/11’s and Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombings, or do we want to live in a safe nation?

These are the questions that should guide our nation’s immigration’s laws, but the terrorist-loving Obama administration has already made the decision for us.

Brainless Democrat Immigration Policies Allow Terrorists to Kill Us Using Tax Dollars

Obama and his cronies have done everything in their power to leave our borders wide open to all any and all terrorists to walk right in and start killing us, using our own tax dollars. They have even sued the states who are trying to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants and terrorists over the border, to force the states to leave their borders open to invasion by the world’s most dangerous people.

If we want to stop the terrorist attacks that Obama has allowed through and actually be safe, then the borders need to be locked down tight, and only legal immigrants should be allowed into the country. In addition, students need to be more carefully checked out, and students who are here on expired visas need to be sent back home.

As long as …

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Saudi Arabia Also Warned U.S. About Boston Bomber – Obama Admin Ignored Russia and Saudi Arabia Warnings

Not only did Russian officials warn Obama’s corrupt and worthless Homeland Security department about Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev on multiple occasions, but now we are learning that Saudi Arabia also warned Obama’s DHS in writing back in 2012. Warnings that were ignored, just as the Russian warnings were ignored by DHS.

Saudi Arabia Also Warned U.S. About Boston Bomber - Obama Admin Ignored Russia and Saudi Arabia Warnings

I put the blame for the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack squarely on the Obama administration, who seems more interested in parties and golf than keeping our nation safe. It shows also, because Obama has allowed us to be attacked successfully over 5 times in under 4 years.

Bull-Dyke Janet Napolitano is definitely scary and all, but she has no clue what she is doing when homeland security is involved, and should be held accountable for the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack, which could have easily been stopped if Napolitano was doing her job.

Hopefully we will soon learn a lot more about Napolitano’s corruption and ineptness in regards to this and other schemes, like ignoring our nation’s immigration laws, DHS Ammo Stockpiling designed by Democrats as a backdoor revocation of …

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Weak on Terror: Obama’s Red Line on Syria Chemical Weapons Morphs Into Flimsy Hollow Threats

Weak on Terror: Obama's Red Line on Syria Chemical Weapons Morphs Into Flimsy Hollow ThreatsAs usual Obama is full of shit, and weak on terror.

Obama stated that if Syria used chemical weapons on its people, it would be a “red line” requiring action by the U.S., but in reality, when he found out that Syria actually has used chemical weapons on it’s people, Obama changed his tune, and decided that the “Red Line” was too harsh.

This is the same weakness towards terror that we have seen here in the United States, which has allowed us to be successfully attacked at least 5 times in Obama’s first 4 years in office.

Maybe Americans will learn that Democrats, including Obama and Eric Holder, are a bunch of lying terrorist-supporters, who also support killing 333,964 of their own babies by partial birth abortion in 2012, yet are up in arms about a fraction of the deaths caused by gun violence, usually committed by Democrats.

President Obama, who earlier said use of chemical weapons by Syria on its people would be a “red line” requiring action by the U.S., walked the stance back on Tuesday, saying

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Black and Hispanic Families Lose More Wealth Under Obama Admin than Other Groups

Unemployment Rate for Blacks Jumps to 14.4 Percent - Hispanic and Latino Unemployment Rate at 11.0 PercentThis goes to show how completely unconcerned Obama and his cronies are with the plight of African Americans and Hispanic people.

If Obama was concerned with the living standard of African Americans and Hispanic families, you would have seen some kind of positive change in the earning ratios of those groups, but this is far from the case.

In fact an Urban Institute study shows that the earning ratios for African Americans and Hispanic families has not improved at all, and has actually gotten much worse under the Obama administration.

We will say it again, and this time include Hispanics.
Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People or Hispanic People unless they are rich and donating loads of their money to the perpetual Obama campaign.

Millions of Americans suffered a loss of wealth during the recession and the sluggish recovery that followed. But the last half-decade has proved far worse for black and Hispanic families than for white families, starkly widening the already large gulf in wealth between non-Hispanic white Americans and most minority groups, according to a new study from

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Terrorists Love Eric Holder – Eric Holder Loves Terrorists

Terrorists Love Eric Holder - Eric Holder Loves TerroristsThe story below describes how Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge who interrupted the first interrogation of confessed terrorist bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to read him his Miranda rights, thereby preventing the terrorist bomber from giving up any additional information.

The story is taking the Obama administration’s word for what happened though, and we know that it is a lie.

There is NO WAY IN HELL that this judge went over to stop the interrogation, and read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his rights, without the approval of Attorney General Eric Holder.

Terrorist-lover Eric Holder wanted to protect the terrorist from having to say anything that could get him in more trouble, and even worse for the Obama administration, he would let the cat out of the bag that the Boston Marathon Terrorist Bombing was the work of 2 people in a much larger terrorist cell.

Obama and Eric Holder – Weak on Terrorism – Tough on Americans

On April 27, Attorney General Eric Holder defended a federal judge’s decision to read confessed terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights after only 16

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Obama & Democrats Try Pushing Limits of Warrantless Wiretaps

Obama Illegal Warrantless WiretapsObama and the Democrats seem to be attacking the constitution at every possible opportunity. This time they feel that it is the government’s right to invade the privacy of anyone they want by reading emails, listening to Skype conversations, including decrypting encrypted communications, and anything else they damn well please.

Now the money-hungry Obama administration wants to fine companies exorbitant penalties for not helping the Obama administration break the law.

Where is all of the outrage that we saw from the Democrats when Bush started using much more limited warrantless wiretapping than Obama. Typical Democrat Hypocrisy.

Obama and the Democrats – Corruption at it’s finest.

It isn’t often that communications companies push back against government requests to monitor customers and hand over information about them, but a government task force is seeking to make it even harder for companies to say no.

The task force is pushing for legislation that would penalize companies like Google, Facebook and Skype that fail to comply with court orders for wiretapping, according to the Washington Post. The cost of non-complying would be an escalating

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