Obama’s BenghaziGate – Krauthammer’s Says New Benghazi E-mail Like Discovery of Nixon Tapes

Obama should be forced out of office for their corruption and criminal actions surrounding the Benghazi talking points change and subsequent full-court administration coverup.

We have said from the very beginning that for Obama, the Benghazi situation, with four dead Americans, is FAR WORSE than Watergate, but the corrupt Obama Protectors in the media have so-far allowed our president and his lackies to get away with their crimes.

Now we are starting to see some traction on the Benghazi story, and it seems that some of the corrupt media have come to the realization that if they allow FOX to do all of the investigation and reporting on BenghaziGate and the coverup afterwards, this only makes FOX’s stock go up and the corrupt media’s stock go down even farther than it already is. Other so-called news stations cannot afford to lose any more credibility or ratings.

The discovery, over a year after the September 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, of an e-mail from a White House political operative that shows him suggesting that former United Nations ambassador Susan Rice

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