Piece of Shit Xenophobic NYPD Officer Verbally Abuses Uber Driver – ‘How Long Have You Been In This Country?’

A piece of shit psycho NYPD officer, on a power trip, intimidated and verbally abused an Uber driver, while he had two people in the car. Luckily, for the Uber driver (not the Officer), one of the passengers was so appalled by the officer’s actions that he started filming the verbal attack.

I don’t know what the driver did or didn’t do, but from listening to the loud-mouth officer scream, it sounded like the Uber driver may have honked and made a gesture with his hands, while the police officer parked without using his blinkers.

Are you not allowed to honk at a police someone when they are doing something stupid and wrong while driving? I think it’s actually perfectly legal.

This was not just a NYPD officer, he is a New York police detective, who is assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and has top-secret security clearance. He should know better than to treat someone the way he did.

Personally, I’ve never honked at a police car, but I make hand gestures while honking at people all …

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