Congress Only Cares About Unconstitutional Warrantless Obama NSA Domestic Spying If Their 4th Amendment Abused

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Congress has done nothing to stop the unconstitutional warrantless domestic spying being done by Obama’s corrupt and overreaching NSA, but they may get involved if their own privacy is being abused.

We have never even heard of Sen. Bernie Sanders, and certainly have not heard Sen. Bernie Sanders come out and speak against Obama’s Warrantless NSA Domestic Spying Program, but now that it may be coming out that Obama’s NSA is spying on Congress, Bernie Sanders wants to know if Congress is being targeted.

Senators are supposed to be public servants, but they are not servants at all. In fact they believe they are our masters. These pieces of shit get the best of everything. They eat and drink well. They live in large mansions. They drive expensive cars. They have huge incomes due to corruption and legalized insider trading for Congress. They have free golden-ticket health plans. They work less than any private employee. They take longer, more expensive vacations. And they do all of this using our money as their personal piggy-bank.

The American People …

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