Corrupt D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray Took More Than $566,000 In Illegal Donations – Denies Knowledge of Donations

So, Corrupt D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray received more than $566,000 in illegal campaign donations, and now says that he knew nothing about more than a half million dollars flowing into his campaign account.

Corrupt D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray Took More Than $566,000 In Illegal Donations - Denies Knowledge of Donations

Corrupt D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray Took More Than $566,000 In Illegal Donations – Denies Knowledge of Donations

Yea, Whatever! That is completely unbelievable.

Jeffrey E. Thompson, who pleaded guilty Monday to felony conspiracy charges for funding a $668,800 off-the-books campaign on Mr. Gray’s behalf in 2010, said mayor Gray had full knowledge of the scheme.

This looks to be just another example of the many corrupt and entitled Democrat liars who think they are above the law, and act accordingly.

Reports say the current District of Columbia U.S. Attorney Ron Machen will most likely soon indict D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray on charges of violating D.C. election laws.

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray should come out and admit to his wrongdoing, and maybe he would be able to stay out of prison.

In an interview with local television station WUSA on Monday, Washington D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray denied that

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