As Businesses Flee Out-Of-Control California Taxes & Regulations Brainless Liberal CA Rep Barbara Lee Calls for $26 CA Minimum Wage

Can you say “STUPID”? California Rep. Barbara Lee has to be one of the most stupid people the Democrats have elected to the House of Representatives.
The mental midget, Barbara Lee, has said that she would support a raise in the California minimum wage to $26 an hour!

As Businesses Flee Out-Of-Control CA Taxes & Regulations Brainless Liberal CA Rep Barbara Lee Calls for $26 Minimum Wage in California

As Businesses Flee Out-Of-Control CA Taxes & Regulations Brainless Liberal CA Rep Barbara Lee Calls for $26 Minimum Wage in California

Obviously, libtard Barbara Lee doesn’t know anything about the economy or creating jobs, as a $26 an hour minimum wage would cause a spike in California’s already high unemployment, and would cause more companies to flee California than are already doing so.

Many companies are already leaving regulation-choked California due to the over-the-top regulations and taxes that are very unfriendly to business in California.

In fact, over 158 companies that have left California so far this year!
“California is losing businesses at a 3:1 ratio and we’re not even through with the year yet,” – Business relocation coach Joseph Vranich

Toyota is the latest company to pull their operations out of …

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