Astroturf: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems. Notice their sign which reads "Capitalism Is Organized Crime"
So, liberal, Socialist, and Marxist anti-capitalism groups, and the corrupt liberal media, and the Obama administration want the American People to believe the “Occupy Wall Street” and “Occupy DC” riots are a result of grassroots anger and discontent, but we are now learning that many of these idiots have been actually PAYED TO PARTICIPATE in the anti-business, anti-capitalism riots.
This is the same type of typical lies and deception that the Obama administration and the other jackasses on the left try to pass onto the American People as fact, but we all know that these people cannot be trusted.
We also are learning that the real people behind the anti-capitalism riots are the labor unions, George Soros, the Obama administration, and other anti-American jackasses.
When stinky hippie protesters carry signs that read “Capitalism Is Organized Crime”, and all of the brainless losers around them agree, there is no more hiding from the truth!
…A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on
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