Astroturf: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems

Astroturf "Occupy Wall Street" Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems. Notice their sign which reads "Capitalism Is Organized Crime"

So, liberal, Socialist, and Marxist anti-capitalism groups, and the corrupt liberal media, and the Obama administration want the American People to believe the “Occupy Wall Street” and “Occupy DC” riots are a result of grassroots anger and discontent, but we are now learning that many of these idiots have been actually PAYED TO PARTICIPATE in the anti-business, anti-capitalism riots.

This is the same type of typical lies and deception that the Obama administration and the other jackasses on the left try to pass onto the American People as fact, but we all know that these people cannot be trusted.

We also are learning that the real people behind the anti-capitalism riots are the labor unions, George Soros, the Obama administration, and other anti-American jackasses.

When stinky hippie protesters carry signs that read “Capitalism Is Organized Crime”, and all of the brainless losers around them agree, there is no more hiding from the truth!

A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on

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Obama Admin Ignored Warnings of Solyndra Problems BEFORE Payment of Loan

Now we learn that Obama was actually warned about the problems with the now bankrupt solar-panel company, Solyndra, BEFORE the $500 million loan was handed out!!

Obama chose to ignore the warnings though, and push through the loan, as a thank you payback to his major supporters, who were shareholders and executives in the failed solar-panel company.

For anyone who watches corrupt liberal media to get their news, here is some more info that you will not get from your stations.

Solyndra’s loan application was filed during President Bush’s term, but the Solyndra loan was denied by the Bush administration less than two weeks before Bush left office on January 9, 2009. As soon as Obama took office, his administration reversed the denial of the loan and put the ill-advised loan, which had thrown up many red flags that the Bush administration caught, but the Obama administration ignored, on a fast-track to receive the same loan that the Bush administration denied days before.

A Congressional probe shows that before President Bush left office, Bush’s Energy Department credit committee voted against …

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Violent Thug Union Criminals Vandalize, Try to Murder Non-Union Competition

This is another story about violent union thuggery that none of the corrupt liberal media will show you – not even to catch a violent criminal who is on the loose.

A man who runs a large non-union electrical contracting company was shot by union thugs after the victim walked outside to find the union thug criminals vandalizing his property by slashing his tires and scribing the word “SCAB” in the paint of his Hummer truck.

The violent thug union member then pulled out a gun and shot the startled non-union company owner, before getting away. The gun shot victim is expected to make a full recovery, but that does not diminish the severity of the violent crimes perpetrated by these union thugs who need to be caught and made an example of.

The corrupt liberal jackasses in the media always tell made-up fantasy stories about violent, racist conservatives, but never will tell you about the real violent criminals on the left, whether the criminal is a violent union thug, or an unrepentant radical terrorist friend of Obama.

The Monroe

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Inept Harry Reid Wishes Tea Party Power Will Fade, Blames Republicans For The Obama, Democrat Downgrade

It’s funny to hear someone like inept Harry Reid, who came very close to losing his seat to a tea party Republican, talk about the demise of the Tea Party. Wishful thinking Harry, but it isn’t going to happen!

If Harry Reid thinks that the tea party is fading away, then just wait – Harry is in for some very big surprises!
The Tea Party is getting stronger every day, despite the corrupt liberal media attacking them. The Tea Party will take more seats away from corrupt Democrats in 2012, (maybe even Harry’s) at which time not even the corrupt Obama-Swooning liberal media or Harry Reid will not be able to deny the power of the people.

“Anyone who minimizes the Tea Party by extension minimizes the (Obama Administration’s) massive spending problems that created it in the first place.”

Can Harry Reid wait out the Tea Party?

The Senate majority leader seems to think so.

Reid sat down with more than 30 Review-Journal staffers Friday afternoon for an hour-long Q&A session at the newspaper’s offices. The bulk of the back

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Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under Obama

Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under ObamaWhere is the outrage in the media about the increased military casualty rate as we saw them report when President Bush.was in office? This is just one more example piled on top of the stinking pile of crap we call “Typical Liberal Media Hypocrisy and Corruption”.

The average monthly casualty rate for U.S. military forces serving in Afghanistan has increased 5-fold since President Barack Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009.

1,540 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Oct. 7,2001, when U.S. forces began action in that country to oust the Taliban regime that had been harboring al Qaeda and to track down and capture or kill al Qaeda terrorists.

During the Bush presidency, which ended on Jan. 20, 2009 with the inauguration of President Obama, U.S. troops were present in Afghanistan for 87.4 months and suffered 570 casualties—a rate of 6.5 deaths per month.

During the Obama presidency, through today, U.S. troops have been present in Afghanistan for 29.1 months and have suffered 970 casualties —a rate of 33.3 deaths per month.

This evening President Obama is

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