Global Warming Sham: Sun, Not Man, Causes Climate Change

As we have said for years, the Earth’s changing climate has more to do with the sun and cyclical changes in our atmosphere, not due to the actions of man. The Earth goes through natural fluctuations in heat and moisture, which is just a part of natural cycle the Earth goes through.

“It’s the sun, stupid” The problem is that the cycles that the Earth goes through, which create changes in heat and moisture, are so slow that people don’t live through multiple cycles, so they wrongly assume that man is causing the changes.

Instead of looking at the truth concerning global warming, jackasses like Con-Artist Al Gore will continue using bad science, and outright lies, to push the scam of man-made global warming, so they can continue stealing money from a bunch of brain-dead idiots who believe the corrupt global warming science.

If Michael Crichton had lived to write a follow-up to State of Fear, the plotline might well have gone like this: at a top secret, state of the art laboratory in Switzerland, scientists finally discover the true

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New Record: Obama Increased U.S. Debt $4,247,000,000,000 In Just 945 Days

For those brain-dead liberal jackasses who say that Obama’s dangerous spending is not as bad as President Bush’s, take a look at this article that shows that Obama’s out-of-control spending binge has racked up $4,247,000,000,000 in debt in just 945 days – the highest total for any president in U.S. history.

The national debt goes up around 3 million every minute while Obama eats ice cream and golfs while on vacation.

Swallow all liquids in your mouth before reading any further.

Updated numbers for the national debt are just out: It’s now $14,639,000,000,000.

When Barack Obama took the oath of office twice on Jan. 20, 2009, CBS’ amazing number cruncher Mark Knoller reports, the national debt was $10,626,000,000,000.

That means the debt that our federal government owes a whole lot of somebodies including China has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days. That’s the fastest increase under any president ever.

Remember the day the Democrat promised to close the embarrassing Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility within one year? That day the national debt increased $4,247,000,000. And each day since that the facility

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Obama Tries Saving 1 Job – His Own – Orders Dept. of Homeland Security to Stop Deporting Illegal Immigrants

Obama has caved in to the cries of Hispanic activists, brain-dead Democrats, and other corrupt jackasses, and has made the dangerously inept Department of Homeland Security stop deporting illegal immigrants who attend school, have a family member in the military, or are responsible for other family member’s care.

Obama is looking for all of the votes he can get in order to try and keep his job after the 2012 election. It’s not going to work though, and Obama will be thrown out of office in a huge landslide! The Department of Homeland Security barely does their job as it is, and now they will be doing even less to keep our country safe.

When Obama, Janet Napolitano, and the Democrats have their way, ALL illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in our country with no fear of deportation. This is just a round-a-bout way of offering the illegals amnesty, without actually having to come out and call it that.

The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who

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Violent Thug Union Criminals Vandalize, Try to Murder Non-Union Competition

This is another story about violent union thuggery that none of the corrupt liberal media will show you – not even to catch a violent criminal who is on the loose.

A man who runs a large non-union electrical contracting company was shot by union thugs after the victim walked outside to find the union thug criminals vandalizing his property by slashing his tires and scribing the word “SCAB” in the paint of his Hummer truck.

The violent thug union member then pulled out a gun and shot the startled non-union company owner, before getting away. The gun shot victim is expected to make a full recovery, but that does not diminish the severity of the violent crimes perpetrated by these union thugs who need to be caught and made an example of.

The corrupt liberal jackasses in the media always tell made-up fantasy stories about violent, racist conservatives, but never will tell you about the real violent criminals on the left, whether the criminal is a violent union thug, or an unrepentant radical terrorist friend of Obama.

The Monroe

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A U.S. appeals court for the 11th Circuit ruled today that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare law, (now re-branded by the corrupt Democrats as the “Affordable Care Act” to try and trick people into thinking it’s not the same thing as Obamacare) which forces people to purchase a service against their will, or else face a penalty, was unconstitutional.

Obama and the corrupt, brain-dead, socialists that run the Democrat party have not given up, and again said that “Today’s ruling is one of many decisions on the Affordable Care Act that we will see in the weeks and months ahead. In the end, we are confident the Act will ultimately be upheld as constitutional”.

We doubt it, unless the liberal jackasses in the 9th District are the ones to make the ruling..

President Barack Obama’s healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to


Desperate Left Continues Blaming Tea Party For Obama’s Failed Economic Policy

I laugh at these stupid hacks on TV, like Loony-Bin Alan Colmes, Goof-Ball Ed Schultz, Wack-Job Al Gore, and even No-Jobs Obama and Joe Gaff-Master Biden and Rep. Nobody-Cares Mike Doyle, who blame the Tea Party for Obama’s failure to produce a budget in 3 years, in conjunction with Obama’s out-of-control spending, which are the real reasons we are facing the precarious position of our economy.

Instead of taking blame for their fiscal failures and inability to govern, they play the blame game and blame everything and everyone under the sun, and then attack the Tea Party. These jackasses have called us terrorists, rapists, kidnappers, suicide bombers, and other completely crazy, false, and derogatory terms that they wanted the Corrupt Obama Swooning Media to latch onto, and then drum-beat into the heads of the know-nothing-mush-brains out there who believe anything they hear on these corrupt media outlets.

The truth is that IF Obama’s failed stimulus would have worked, and actually created jobs, there would have been a plenty of “revenues” flowing into the government, and there never would …

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No Urgency: Obama Finally Speaks About His Manufactured Credit Downgrade

So Obama finally decided that he will grace the American people with more of his teleprompter reading, and stopped his constant campaigning and fundraising to speak about his party’s artificially manufactured credit rating downgrade. The first in our nation’s history, under Obama’s watchful eye..

Now he says that trying to fix his destruction of our economy is “something we can do as soon as Congress gets back,” and that “I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks”

Why do we have to wait weeks for you to do something about your royal screw-up? We are all supposed to sit here and deal with Obama and the Democrat’s mess, while the people who caused it vacation, like kings and queens, on our dime? BULLSHIT! Get back to work jackasses, and don’t stop working until you have our country back on a track to solvency!!

A familiar air of indecision preceded President Obama’s pep talk to the nation.

The first draft of his schedule for Monday contained no plans to comment on the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating

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Obama Lies, Sticks It To Taxpayers Again With Tax Funded Campaign Bus Tour

We know, you are not surprised that Obama lies. We all know that he is a compulsive, pathological liar, but he has lied again, saying that his latest bus tour is not a campaign bus tour, but we all know that is a complete lie, for which he is making us pay.

Where is all of the outrage that we saw from the jackasses on the left though when Sarah Palin went on a bus tour, which she paid for herself, now that Obama is making all of us pay for his campaign bus tour through all of the battleground states, which he is lying about the reason for?

We should not be on the hook to pay for Obama’s re-election campaign bus tour, but as usual, the Obama administration is lying about the reason for the bus tour, and has no problem making the U.S. taxpayer pay for his continued lies.

President Barack Obama’s upcoming bus tour through the Midwest states typically viewed as swing states during presidential election years will be paid for by the taxpayers, the White

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