Idiot CA Governor Jerry Brown Welcomes All Illegal Immigrants to Already Near Bankrupt California

Idiot CA Governor Jerry Brown Welcomes All Illegal Immigrants to Already Near Bankrupt California

Idiot CA Governor Jerry Brown Welcomes All Illegal Immigrants to Already Near Bankrupt California

HA!!!! I love hearing that California’s brainless governor Jerry Brown is opening his state’s doors to all illegal immigrants!

Personally, I think that the hard times in California are hilarious, because I know that it’s the liberal policies that are killing the state of California, and the people of CA who continually vote for the same people who are destroying their state deserve to feel the pain.

The black community in California probably doesn’t like it one bit that all illegals are being welcomed into their state with open arms, and we doubt that the citizens of CA will be having the same laugh as I am, because they actually have to live in the liberal asshole of the US, where Democrats are hell bent on hurting American Citizens in favor of illegal immigrants, and others that live off the taxpayer.

I would bet the farm that very soon the jackass liberals running California will try and file for bankruptcy, and we will tell Jerry Brown …

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