Obama & Unions Kill Hostess – Company Closes – Lays Off 18,500

Obama and the Unions have killed another company. This time it was the Iconic Hostess, which has been in business since 1930 making the snack cakes that everyone loves, and has now been killed by greedy union dumb-asses. Closed and gone for good!

Obama & Unions Kill Hostess - Company Closes - Lays Off 18,500

Obama & Unions Kill Hostess – Company Closes – Lays Off 18,500

This Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union-forced shutdown of the 82-year-old company, Hostess, is another example of Democrats and unions killing the industries they work for.

Hostess Union assholes have lost their jobs, while also stealing the jobs of thousands of other union and non-union workers who depended on Hostess for their income, and why? Because 90 percent of the greedy and brain-dead union dumb-asses rejected Hostess’ final offer to get their workers back to work. Instead the greedy jackasses held the company hostage until they got their way, or until they forced the company to close.

It’s too late to hold Obama accountable for his many, many failures – Including the killing of Hostess by Obama’s cronies – but we hope …

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