Green Technology Company, Given Millions By Democrats, Files for Bankruptcy

A company (Evergreen Solar Inc.,) that received a $58 million financial aid package from Democrats to build a Bay State factory, has now filed for bankruptcy.

The Democrats have proved that they have no clue how to help businesses, create jobs, or to balance a budget, and now we are learning about the Democrat’s horrible track record in the companies that they gave our money to.

I just wonder how much money Evergreen Solar Inc. donated to the Democrats before receiving the $58 million gift???
My guess is that they donated a lot..

Evergreen Solar Inc., the Marlboro clean-energy company that received millions in state subsidies to build an ill-fated Bay State factory, has filed for bankruptcy.

Evergreen, which closed its taxpayer-supported Devens factory in March and cut 800 jobs, has been trying to rework its debt for months. The company announced today it is seeking a reorganization in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware and also reached a deal with certain note holders to restructure its debt and sell off certain assets.

The company also said it will lay off

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Thus guy is great! I don’t agree with not paying your bills though, which would only make things worse. We are not corrupt thugs like the Democrats who don’t pay their bills and evade paying their taxes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –


US Taxpayers Pay Monthly Salaries To Terrorists Prisoners, Wives, Children

This is unbelievable! US taxpayers pay monthly salaries to terrorists, including their wives and children, while they sit in jail for murdering U.S. citizens. “These are people who planned, directed and took part in the intentional sadistic slaughter of civilian men, women and children, at point blank range.” Why do terrorists, or anyone for that matter, get paid for sitting in prison? They should be put out of our misery instead of being paid to rot in prison.

Every single Palestinian Authority terrorist held in an Israeli jail receives a monthly salary from the PA. Terrorists who committed the most heinous crimes – and therefore received longer sentences – receive the most money, according to a report in Israeli paper Yisrael Hayom.

Citing a report received by a senior government official in Jerusalem, the paper says that the terrorists’ salaries are paid from the PA’s “public budget,” which accounts for about 3.5 percent of its total budget.

The PA treasury receives cash from two main sources: the US pays about 50 percent of the money, and the rest is mostly

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Whack-Job Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee Is Out Of Touch With Reality

Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee’s attack on Republicans is a feeble attempt to push blame for our current financial situation away from those who actually deserve it, like the Obama administration and Democrats who increased our nation’s debt by $4 Trillion in his first 19 months, which historically is more than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) is a complete wacko nut-job, who probably needs to take her medication and go lay down somewhere. At least until she comes back to reality, or gets removed from office. Seeing how completely out-of-touch with reality Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee really is, it would be best for the country if she was removed from office.

Sounds more like an idiot Rep has no clue about what is going on, and is just sticking up for Obama and her party’s destruction of our economy, jobs, housing, and just about everything else they have touched.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) released a statement Monday saying the “debt crisis” has been “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.”

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Obama Makes Military Weaker By Ending Ban On Openly Gay Soldiers

Democrats hate the military, and it seems that Obama and the Democrats are trying to start the quick decline of our nation’s military and homeland security by allowing gay soldiers to serve openly.

Soon, we will be seeing lawsuits brought by gay soldiers who were instructed not to wear their pink undershirts, neck scarfs, and earrings.

President Barack Obama has formally repealed the ban on gays serving openly in the U.S. military.

Administration officials say Obama on Friday signed a certification ending the 17-year-old “don’t ask don’t tell” policy on sexual orientation.

The president took the step, as expected, after meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Adm. Mike Mullen, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman. As laid out in a law passed in December, the repeal will take effect 60 days from now. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of a statement from the White House.

For Obama, the move makes good on a promise from his 2008 campaign to dismantle the 1990s-era policy.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Modern Poverty Includes AC, Flat Screen TVs, DVD players, Gaming Systems

Take a look at the perks that the poor in our nation enjoy. (most of the people in poverty status do not pay any taxes, but seemingly rake in the perks, most likely due to free money given to them by the American People)

  • Over 65% have more than one TV
  • Over 63% have cable or satellite TV
  • Over 50% have a cellular phone

When Americans think of poverty, we tend to picture people who can’t adequately shelter, clothe, and feed themselves or their families.

When the Census Bureau defines “poverty,” though, it winds up painting more than 40 million Americans — one in seven — as “poor.”

Census officials continue to grossly exaggerate the numbers of the poor, creating a false picture in the public mind of widespread material deprivation, writes Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Robert Rector in a new paper.

“Most news stories on poverty feature homeless families, people living in crumbling shacks, or lines of the downtrodden eating in soup kitchens,” Rector says. “The actual living conditions of America’s poor are far different from these images.”

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