Congress to Further Investigate Benghazi-Gate & Coverup Despite Democrat Stonewalling

Finally! On Fox News this morning, Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy revealed that more “explosive” Benghazi hearings are “coming quickly”.

“There’s a reason we don’t let kids grade their own papers in school, and there’s a reason we don’t let defendants sentence themselves in court. And the State Dept should not be the ones investigating whether the State Department did a good job. It should be Congress, and it’s going to be Congress very shortly.”

“Trust me when I tell you, you will want to follow the hearings that are coming up”

I’m sure we will see a whole lot of stonewalling, coverups, and lies by Obama officials in the upcoming hearings, but then again, Democrats have a lot to lose if the truth were to actually get out.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

Brain-Dead MSNBC Nut-Jobs Say Romney Purposefully Got Booed by Racist NAACP To Attract Votes

At the biggest joke of a news station, (if you can call them a news station) Lawrence O’Donnell and other brain-dead MSNBC hacks, try and claim that Mitt Romney purposefully said things to be booed by blacks during his NAACP speech, in order to attract votes ‘in certain racist precincts’ from racist Republicans.

We have said it before and we will say it again… IF ANY ONE GROUP CAN BE CONSIDERED RACIST, IT IS THE DEMOCRATS!
Democrats are the ones to enslaved Black People and kept slavery going until Republicans ended slavery in the Civil War.

The only reason why people actually believe the Democrat lies that Republicans are racist, is because they have no brains, and cannot think for themselves. If the sheep could think for themselves, they would do some research into slavery, racism in America, and who fought and gave their lives to end slavery. I’ll give them a hint.

Democrats fought to keep Black people in slavery, and Republicans gave their lives

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Carter, The 2nd Worst President In US History, Plays Race Card On Gingrich

It’s completely laughable when we hear Jimmy Carter, the 2nd worst president in U.S. History, (Carter is 2nd only to Obama, who is the absolute #1 worst president in U.S. History!) criticize anyone for their statements and beliefs, but it’s even more funny when Democrat Jimmy Carter plays the race card, when it was the Democrats who faught in the Civil War to keep the slavery of black people alive and legal. Racist Democrats started the KKK, and 99% of the racism in our country STILL comes from Democrats. So.. yea, we’re all laughing at Carter, Obama, and the Racist Democrats!

“The fact is that more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.”

To go even farther, Obama has done nothing to help the unemployment rates in Black communities. Under the Obama administration, unemployment in the Black communities has gone way up, and has surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984! Black men have it the worst, with joblessness at a staggeringly high 19.1%, while the unemployment rate …

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