GM’s Safety Scandal & Coverup Ignored By Corrupt Media – Even After GM Cars Killed At Least 13 People

GM’s Safety Scandal & Coverup Ignored By Corrupt Media - Even After GM Cars Killed At Least 13 People

GM’s Safety Scandal & Coverup Ignored By Corrupt Media – Even After GM Cars Killed At Least 13 People

Why is the corrupt media in the United States completely ignoring the safety scandal and coverup by automaker GM that has caused the death of at least 13 people, and the recall of 2.6 million vehicles?

The answer is because of the next election, which Democrats are slated to lose very badly.

Obama and the Democrats completely own GM (Government Motors) and all of it’s problems, and if GM cars are killing people, the backlash could start to come back to hurt Obama and the Democrats.

The bottom line is that people died because GM’s failure to fix what amounted to a 57-cent problem in their cars, but GM was more interested in saving the few pennies than saving people’s lives.

The corrupt media arm of the Obama administration seems to have decided that reporting about the GM negligence, which allowed their cars to kill people, may negatively affect their savior, and would further harm Democrats in the next election.


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