FOX Sports Fired Craig James For Personal Religious Views – All People of Faith Banned by FOX

FOX Sports Fired Craig James For Personal Religious Views - All People of Faith Banned by FOX

FOX Sports Fired Craig James For Personal Religious Views – All People of Faith Banned by FOX

What the hell are the jackasses who run FOX Sports thinking?

FOX Sports fired sportscaster Craig James for his religious views against Same Sex Marriage and Abortion, even though James never expressed his faith and beliefs while broadcasting.

Craig James was fired by FOX Sports, not because he spoke out against Gay Marriage and Abortion on the air of a football game, but because Mr. James spoke about his faith and beliefs during an unsuccessful run for senate in 2012.

We have lost all respect for FOX Sports and hope that Mr. James not only wins his lawsuit against FOX Sports gets his job back, but the idiotic jackasses at FOX Sports who made the decision to fire James should be fired themselves for giving FOX Sports such a bad black eye, that will take years to heal.

In exclusive comment to Breitbart News, former ESPN and CBS broadcaster and former Southern Methodist University and NFL star tailback Craig James criticized former employer

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Chinese Government Gives Obama the Finger as Hero Snowden Leaves Hong Kong for Moscow

Chinese Government Gives Obama the Finger as Hero Snowden Leaves Hong Kong for Moscow

Chinese Government Gives Obama the Finger as Hero Snowden Leaves Hong Kong for Moscow

Now that is funny! The Chinese government has basically said “FUCK YOU” to Obama, allowing the Hero Edward Snowden to leave Hong Kong – and there is nothing that Obama or his cronies can do.

I bet Obama wants to kill Edward Snowden so much he can taste it! The Obama administration is probably already arming their drones to try and silence their enemy, because that is the only way they will be able to shut him up, and protect their own asses.

We think that Edward Snowden is a hero, who deserves something like the Medal of Freedom, not a criminal, as some in the government want to portray him as.

Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who exposed secrets about the federal government’s surveillance programs, has reportedly has left for a “third country,” the Hong Kong government said Sunday.

A statement from the government did not identify the country, but the South China Morning Post, which has been in contact with Edward

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Liberal Biased Anti-Women Politico Bosses Can’t Handle Hearing Truth About Themselves

Thin-skinned, Women-Hating, Obama Loving, Politico bosses seem to not be able to handle the truth about their organization.

Liberal Biased Anti-Women Politico Bosses Can't Handle Hearing Truth About Themselves

Liberal Biased Anti-Women Politico Bosses Can’t Handle Hearing Truth About Themselves

In a lengthy (and mostly fawning) interview, The New Republic’s Isaac Chotiner sat down with Politico co-founders, executive editor Jim VandeHei and editor-in-chief John Harris. FishBowl DC noticed that things appeared to get a little tense and testy when both were pressed on the issue of sexism in their newsroom and charges of liberal bias from Fox News:

IC: I am sure you have heard the criticism that Politico is a tough place for women to work. Do you think that is a fair criticism?

JH: During our launch, we were starting from scratch—it was a tough place to work, period. Not just for women. The happenstance that the four co-founders were men was just that. It has become a better place to work. The place is now built for the long haul. I don’t view creating opportunities in a gender context.

IC: But there are statistics that I am sure

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Why Obama Won’t Fire Holder? Holder Knows Obama’s Secrets

Why Obama Won't Fire Holder? Holder Knows Obama's Secrets

Why Obama Won’t Fire Holder? Holder Knows Obama’s Secrets

Why will Corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder get away with perjury and other crimes, just as he has done time and time again in the past 4 years?

The answer is easy. The reason why Obama will not add Holder to the group of people they already threw under the bus is because Eric Holder knows all of Obama’s dirty little secrets, and Obama definitely does not want to piss off the one person who could blow the whistle on all of the many Obama administration corruption, crimes, and coverups. Obama’s many secrets protect Holder from being held accountable for Holder’s crimes and corruption.

Obama will defend Holder to the death because if Obama makes the wrong move, he would be discovered for what he is, and impeached. Even more than that, Obama’s legacy would be all but tarnished for the brainwashed jackholes who believe Obama’s lies.

Top Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee openly challenged Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday over his testimony two weeks ago in which he

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Obama Admin Threatening Benghazi Witnesses at State Dept, CIA

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

New Secret White House Benghazi Emails May Include WH Command Cancelling Help For Fallen Heroes

The most secretive and corrupt administration in the history of the United States is at it again.

The Obama administration really doesn’t want the true story of the Benghazi Terrorist Attack to get out, and new reports are coming out that Obama administration officials have been Threatening the whistle-blowers at the State Dept and CIA who are scheduled to testify before Congress about the attack.

Obama and his cronies knows that their coverup of the Benghazi-Gate Terrorist Attack is teetering dangerously towards the side of the truth, and they are doing everything possible to make sure that Obama’s big Benghazi secret doesn’t get out.

At least four career officials at the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have retained lawyers or are in the process of doing so, as they prepare to provide sensitive information about the Benghazi attacks to Congress, Fox News has learned.

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one

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Congress to Further Investigate Benghazi-Gate & Coverup Despite Democrat Stonewalling

Finally! On Fox News this morning, Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy revealed that more “explosive” Benghazi hearings are “coming quickly”.

“There’s a reason we don’t let kids grade their own papers in school, and there’s a reason we don’t let defendants sentence themselves in court. And the State Dept should not be the ones investigating whether the State Department did a good job. It should be Congress, and it’s going to be Congress very shortly.”

“Trust me when I tell you, you will want to follow the hearings that are coming up”

I’m sure we will see a whole lot of stonewalling, coverups, and lies by Obama officials in the upcoming hearings, but then again, Democrats have a lot to lose if the truth were to actually get out.

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Planned Parenthood Kills 111 Times More People Than 9/11 – Every Year! Obama Says Thanks

Planned Parenthood killed 333,964 babies by abortion in 2012.
They must be happy because this is a record year for them, in which they were able to kill more babies than last year.


Planned Parenthood’s 333,964 abortions in 2012 works out to be:

  • 83491 times the number of people killed in the Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack.
  • 111 times the number of people killed on 9/11
  • 30 times the number of people killed by drunk drivers in 2012.

Obama also seems happy, and in his speech yesterday he said ‘Thank You, God Bless You’ to the people who have made it their job to kill as many babies as possible, which Obama not only agrees with, but encourages.

‘Thank You, and God Bless You Planned Parenthood for killing those 333.964 babies. I hate babies! Kill them all! See, Look.. You’re making me blush…’ – Barack Obama

On Friday, President Obama promised to stand with Planned Parenthood against, what he described as, efforts across the country to “turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950’s than the 21st Century.”

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Iowa Governors Anti-Bullying LGBTQ Conference Is Anti-Christian Left-Wing Hate Group

Republican Lawmakers are looking to pull the funding for a left-wing LGBTQ hate group, disguised as an anti-bullying conference, which they say actually bullies Christians and conservatives.

The Iowa Governors Conference on LGBTQ Youth is supposed to be an anti-bullying program for diversity held at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), when in reality it is just another left-wing hate grout, which there are so many of that constantly attack Christians and conservatives, and anyone else who can’t see their point of view.

This is the same completely typical hypocrisy that we see all the time from liberals, where they say they are against something, but then engage in the exact same activity that they accuse the other side of.

A group of nearly two dozen Republican lawmakers is threatening to pull state funding from an Iowa community college unless they defund an anti-bullying program that the lawmakers say bullies Christians and conservatives, Fox News has learned.

The Des Moines Area Community College is one of several sponsors of the Iowa Governors Conference on LGBTQ Youth – scheduled to be

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