FLASH ON! Federal Judge Rules Drivers Can Legally Flash Headlights to Warn of Police Speed Traps

FLASH ON! Federal Judge Rules Drivers Can Legally Flash Headlights to Warn of Police Speed Traps

FLASH ON! Federal Judge Rules Drivers Can Legally Flash Headlights to Warn of Police Speed Traps

Many people flash their headlights to warn other drivers of upcoming speed traps. It is a nice thing to do when you see a police car on the side of the road running radar.

After flashing his headlights to warn oncoming traffic of a speed trap, Michael Elli was pulled over by Ellisville MO. Police, ticketed, facing a possible large fine, and even could receive points on his license. The American Civil Liberties Union sued on Elli’s behalf, and U.S. District Judge Henry E. Autrey has ruled that flashing headlights is considered “free speech”, and protected under the First Amendment.

So Flash On! Don’t worry about getting pulled over for warning your fellow drivers about speed traps, because you are well within your rights to do so. If you flash other drivers, maybe they will flash you. That sounded dirty, but you know what I mean.

A federal judge in Missouri ruled this week held that drivers have a First Amendment right to flash

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