Maryland Transportation Authority Rips Out Nest of Federally Protected Osprey – Again and Again

The Maryland Transportation Authority has ripped the nest of a federally protected Osprey off a steel gantry over the highway, multiple times, because the nest blocks a traffic camera.

Maryland Transportation Authority Rips Out Nest of Federally Protected Osprey

Maryland Transportation Authority Rips Out Nest of Federally Protected Osprey

I find it kind of funny that our government will go to great lengths to protect all kinds of fish and turtles, even when the actions taken to protect the wildlife cause problems for humans, but the goverrnment not do the same when their interests are at stake.

“We’re concerned because she’s blocking one of our traffic cameras that we use for monitoring traffic conditions at the bridge,” – John Sales Spokesman for the Maryland Transportation Authority

I have a solution for the Maryland Transportation Authority. MOVE YOUR FUCKING CAMERA, NOT THE FEDERALLY PROTECTED OSPREY

If things go the way they have in other cases of federally protected wildlife, the Maryland Transportation Authority should be forced to remove their cameras from the steel gantry over the highway, and allow the Ospreys to build their nests for the eggs they need to …

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