Black & Hispanic Unemployment Rates More Than Double Whites – Democrat Slave Masters Pat Each Other on Back

Obama and the Democrat Slave Masters aren’t concerned that the Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are more than double that of the White population.

Black & Hispanic Unemployment Rates More Than Double Whites - Democrat Slave Masters Pat Each Other on Back

Black & Hispanic Unemployment Rates More Than Double Whites – Democrat Slave Masters Pat Each Other on Back

In fact, Obama and the Democrats actually want MORE Blacks and Hispanics to be out of work, because that puts them on welfare and food stamps, which is EXACTLY where Obama and the Democrat Slave Masters want them.

Despite what anyone on the left says, the Democrats are the party of the KKK and racism, and the Republican Party was actually formed to fight the racist Democrats who wanted to keep slavery alive.

Of course the Democrats are not going to own up to being the party of the KKK, but just look back at history, and pay attention to what party has had KKK members on their rolls. Here’s a hint, it won’t be the Republican party because Democrats started the KKK, and many Democrats are still closet KKK members.

Also, look back at who voted against …

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Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

So it is painfully apparent that any time a black person in power is questioned or criticized, the Democrat Culture of Corruption will play the race card, saying that the criticism is is actually just racism, and in this case, sexism.

What a complete crock of shit the Democrats continue to try and force-feed America!

I’m sick of being called a racist by the Democrat party of party of slavery, and the party who started the KKK.

I may be sick of being called a racist, but I can deal with it because I know it’s not true.. That being said, I think it’s actually funny, and I’ve been laughing hard since the election that so many brain-dead and brainwashed Black People voted for the party of their slave masters, and the party that started the KKK to keep them in chains.. PRICELESS!

As former CIA Director David Petraeus revealed new discrepancies Friday in the administration’s story over Libya, a dozen female House Democrats

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Racist Jackass Rep. Andre Carson Says Tea Party Wants African-Americans “Hanging on a Tree”

I laugh when I see racist Democrats, like Rep. Andre Carson, lie about Republicans as though they were racists as well, and I think it’s very weird how many blacks support Democrats with their votes, even though it was the Democrats who worked to keep them in slavery.

Anyone who has read any history surrounding slavery and the Civil War knows that it was the Democrats who started the KKK, and it was the Democrats who fought and died in the Civil War to keep Blacks in slavery.

An estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites died at the end of the Democrat’s KKK ropes from 1882 to 1964.

The first KKK Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, as a terrorist organization by veterans of the Confederate Army during Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The KKK was started as a secret vigilante group which targeted freed black men and their allies; it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against blacks and white Republicans. The KKK supported Democrats and used their terror …

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