Corrupt Democrat Criminal Harry Reid Will Leave Office To Stay Out of Prison

Harry Reid isn’t leaving office because he is afraid that his race would eat up all of the money Democrats need to spend in other races. The truth is that the criminally corrupt Harry Reid would happily spend all of the money he needed to be re-elected.

Harry Reid is leaving office because he knows if he says, and a Republican wins the White House, his chances of staying out of prison go way down. In fact I would bet everything I own that the criminal, Harry Reid, would spend some time behind bars.

Don’t forget that, just as Clinton did as he left office, the criminal in the White House can always pardon criminals like Harry Reid also on his way out of office. Maybe the Democrats have something up their sleeve, like to start a mock investigation and trial for some small offense, just so Obama can pardon him for all of his crimes before a Republican investigation can get to him.

Also, don’t believe that Harry Reid suffered the gross injury to his face while working out. …

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