San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Is Unstable Nut-Job Liar

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Is Unstable Nut-Job Liar

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Is Unstable Nut-Job Liar

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz has been making fake pleas for help all over the libtard fake media stations, saying that people are dying in San Juan after Hurricane Maria due to the lack in federal response.

Carmen Yulín Cruz is either stupid, crazy or a liar… we think she’s a lot of each.

What really happened is that the disaster response in San Juan after Hurricane Maria was going too well, so the Democrats needed someone to lie, and say that the response is lacking, and who better than a stupid libtard skank with no backbone.

And what is up with that stupid t-shirt and hats that she has been pictured in? The dumb bitch doesn’t dress like a mayor while wearing a biking-style t-shirt or her t-shirt that says “HELP US WE ARE DYING”, which just isn’t true.

Brainless libtard mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz probably isn’t even aware that only 16 people were killed in the level 5 Hurricane Maria, and that nobody else has died.

If mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz wants to be helpful, maybe she needs to go HERSELF to the command center, and get plugged into what is actually taking place. And if not, the stupid bitch needs to shut her fucking trap, because she’s too stupid to find out what is really happening or say anything intelligent.

We think that San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz is mentally unstable, and very untrustworthy.

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