Bill Nye Tries to Protect Climate Change Alarmist Idiots By Calling For Moviegoers to Shun Film Debunking Global Warming Scam

Bill Nye Tries to Protect Climate Change Alarmist Idiots By Calling For Moviegoers to Shun Film Debunking Global Warming Scam

Bill Nye Tries to Protect Climate Change Alarmist Idiots By Calling For Moviegoers to Shun Film Debunking Global Warming Scam

So, Bill Nye and other “global warming” nut-jobs don’t want you to go out and see a new film debunking the lie of man-made “global warming”, called “Climate Hustle”.

The loony-bin “global warming” alarmists libtards are scared. So scared that the libtard “global warming” criminals don’t even want you to see a movie or hear a contradictory opinion on the subject. They want you to just shut the fuck up and believe every lie they tell you.

The “global warming” criminals are very scared that the American People are on the cusp of completely proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that man-made “global warming” is a lie and probably the biggest and most lucrative crime in the history of the world.

The American people now know that the so-called “scientists” that support the “global warming” lie have been busted changing and making up their own data that supports their scam, instead of telling the American People the truth.

The …

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Salisbury University Noose Drawing Proved To Be Just Another Race Hoax Perpetrated By Worthless Black Racists

Salisbury University Noose Drawing Proved To Be Just Another Race Hoax Perpetrated By Worthless Black Racists

Salisbury University Noose Drawing Proved To Be Just Another Race Hoax Perpetrated By Worthless Black Racists

Another day, another race hoax, perpetrated by worthless black racist losers.

The noose drawing that was found on a whiteboard in the library, along with the word “Nigger” and the hashtag #whitepower, was being investigated as a hate crime until the authorities found out the truth.

And the truth is that the racist drawing was done by two black people (probably students), and not a White person as they tried to claim.

“I confirm two students have been identified, and are both African American.” – Salisbury University English Associate Professor James King

Black people are truly fucking themselves worse than they already have by continually supporting their slave masters in the Democrat Party, because now when there are claims of racism or attacks on black people, most people assume that the claims are another fake race hoax, and ignore the story all together.

I bet the school or authorities will never release the names of the piece of shit racist black people who drew …

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Obama Raises His Own Fence 5 Feet After Destroying America’s Border Security Allowing Illegals Easily Scale America’s Fences

This is fucking funny!! America doesn’t need fences, but apparently Obama needs much taller fences – because one or two people were able to climb the current fence surrounding the White House.

Obama Raises His Own Fence 5 Feet After Destroying America's Border Security Allowing Illegals Easily Scale America's Fences

Obama Raises His Own Fence 5 Feet After Destroying America’s Border Security Allowing Illegals Easily Scale America’s Fences

America’s Terrorist in Chief Obama has done everything in his power to destroy America’s defenses, including completely ignoring America’s immigration policies, and encouraging millions of illegal alien criminals, including thousands of Obama’s terrorist friends, to break the laws of the United States to enter the country illegally.

Even Donald Trump is attacking Obama’s hypocrisy over the taller White House fence, after destroying America’s immigration system and border security.

“President Obama understands that you build strong, tall, beautiful walls to keep people out who don’t belong. People who get permission can enter the White House LEGALLY!” – Donald Trump


Obama doesn’t care about the millions of illegal criminals who have flooded our nation, and endanger average law-abiding American citizens everyday, except when they might get onto the huge secure White House …

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Brainless Libtard Loser Dick Durbin Thinks Chicago Shootings Caused By Lazy Police

Dick Durbin is a stupid fucker, who should probably go ahead and retire. He has seem to have lost all critical brain functions.

Brainless Libtard Loser Dick Durbin Thinks Chicago Shootings Caused By Lazy Police

Brainless Libtard Loser Dick Durbin Thinks Chicago Shootings Caused By Lazy Police

What kind of mental midget attacks the Chicago police, and calls for investigations into their policies, and then turns around and says that the crime and violence that has taken over Chicago, one of the most liberal and corrupt states in America, is caused by police who are too scared or lazy to do their jobs.

Police cannot be everywhere, and there is no way for the police to know what violent asshole is going to start shooting people. If police knew where to be ahead of the crimes, then there would be no crime.

Dick Durbin is a mentally-challenged libtard loser who is only right about .002% of the time, and unfortunately for Durbin, this is not one of those times.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who wrote a letter asking the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate Chicago Police policies in December, recently said

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Republican Establishment Loser Bill Kristol Says Still Time For Third Party Presidential Candidate

Republican establishment loser Bill Kristol went on MSNBC to trash Trump, and laughably stated that there is still time for a candidate to start a 3rd party run for president.

Republican Establishment Loser Bill Kristol Says Still Time For Third Party Presidential Candidate

Republican Establishment Loser Bill Kristol Says Still Time For Third Party Presidential Candidate

Bill Kristol is 100% right. There definitely IS time for a candidate to make a third party run for president, and Donald Trump should do just that!

The Republican establishment has tried every conceivable possibility to try and royally screw Donald Trump, and continue every day trying to find a way to take away his RNC nomination for president, so Donald Trump should tell the RNC to go fuck themselves, and crank up a 3rd party campaign.

ALL of TRump’s supporters would still vote for Trump, despite the 3rd party affiliation, and the only people who will be screwed is the corrupt RNC pussies, who are already completely fucked.

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol argued it was still feasible for a third-party candidate to wage a presidential campaign.

Kristol said, “I

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Breitbart Losers Claim They Don’t Publish Editorial “Open Letters” – EXCEPT When They Can Use it To Trash Trump

Breitbart has COMPLETELY lost it’s way since the death of Andrew Breitbart, and now they are looked upon as a joke of the conservative media outlets.

Breitbart Losers Claim They Don't Publish Editorial “Open Letters”  - EXCEPT When They Can Use it To Trash Trump

Breitbart Losers Claim They Don’t Publish Editorial “Open Letters” – EXCEPT When They Can Use it To Trash Trump

What kind of piece of shit website claims that they don’t publish editorial “open letters” but then turns around and publishes an open letter by Brent Bozell, where he tries trashing Trump.

When President Trump shocks the civilized world by killing the children of terrorists, arming nations with nuclear weapons (you don’t think Russia won’t do likewise with its allies?) and breaking the Geneva Convention (God help our men and women captured by our enemies who will do the same) will you live with that?

How fucking stupid can you get Brent??? Like Donald Trump will just start killing children and arming other nations with nuclear weapons.

The only thing that Brent Bozell and have done is turn away at least half of their readers, if not more, and make himself look like a …

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Obama’s Corrupt State Department Admits Hiding Hillary Emails to Aid In Covering Up Benghazi Crimes

Obama’s corrupt State Department has admitted hiding Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails, in an obvious attempt to hide the truth about Hillary’s crimes from the American Public.

Report: Federal Grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate Hillary Clinton Political Corruption - Separate From Email Scandal Investigation Separate

Report: Federal Grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate Hillary Clinton Political Corruption – Separate From Email Scandal Investigation Separate

Contradicting an earlier statement to the court, an April 18, 2016, State Department letter admits that it found the email at issue in 2014 but was held back in its entirety

The damning email was withheld to hide the details of Hillary’s Benghazi actions (or non-action), prevent Hillary Clinton from being busted for her crimes, and help her win the Democrat Party’s nomination for president.

“Judge Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records. One aim of our court-order discovery will be to get to the bottom of this cover-up.”

Hillary Clinton is a serial criminal who belongs in prison, not the White House.

The Obama State Department last week admitted it withheld a key Benghazi

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Democrat Owned KKK Helps Their Own With Over $20K In Donations to Clinton Campaign

The KKK was started by the Democrats, and the KKK still supports their Democrat Party parents with political donations, and a Ku Klux Klan leader says that the KKK has given over $20K in donations to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s primary campaign.

Democrat Owned KKK Helps Their Own With Over $20K In Donations to Clinton Campaign

Democrat Owned KKK Helps Their Own With Over $20K In Donations to Clinton Campaign

It’s funny when libtard liar jackoffs, like the mentally-challenged corrupt racist Charlie Rangel and others, try and claim that the KKK is a Republican organization, when the only people who actually believe that is the black sheeple that have been bought off and brainwashed by their Democrat KKK slave masters.

Hillary Clinton needs to return the KKK’s $20K, and make a statement that she denounces the KKK and will not take money from racists.

This won’t happen though because 3/4 of the Democrat party are racists who secretly wish to reinstate real slavery – not the psudo-slavery handouts that the Democrats currently uses to control the black population.

A prominent Ku Klux Klan leader says that the group has raised thousands of dollars for Hillary

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