US Senate Starts Investigation Into Partisan Facebook Trend Manipulation & The Removal of Conservative Stories

US Senate Starts Investigation Into Partisan Facebook Trend Manipulation & The Removal of Conservative Stories

US Senate Starts Investigation Into Partisan Facebook Trend Manipulation & The Removal of Conservative Stories

Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook have denied that they manipulate the Trending list to remove popular conservative news stories while promoting liberal stories that appears on the right side of the Facebook website, but now they will need to explain it to members of the US Senate – hopefully under oath.

Conservative stories like those about Donald Trump or Drudge Report were hidden, while liberal stories about “Black Lives Matter”, help for illegal aliens and transexual bathrooms were promoted.

Facebook says that “after an initial review, no evidence has been found that these allegations are true.” but Facebook’s libtard loser employees have donated more than $114,000 to criminal Hillary Clinton, and have donated a big fat $0 to Donald Trump.. That shows you that something corrupt and wrong is happening at Facebook!

We have a very strong feeling that a libtard-owned and operated company like Facebook, whose owner is one of the biggest cock-smokers on the face of the Earth, would indeed try and influence the …

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Typical DNC Crime: Corrupt Democrat Flint Michigan Mayor Karen Weaver Allegedly Stole EPA Water Crisis Money To Fund Political Campaign

Karen Weaver, the corrupt mayor of the corrupt Democrat-run city of Flint, Michigan has been busted allegedly stealing money that was supposed to go to help clean up the EPA’s intentional poisoning of the Flint drinking water with toxic waste.

Typical DNC Crime: Corrupt Democrat Flint Michigan Mayor Karen Weaver Allegedly Stole EPA Water Crisis Money To Fund Political Campaign

Typical DNC Crime: Corrupt Democrat Flint Michigan Mayor Karen Weaver Allegedly Stole EPA Water Crisis Money To Fund Political Campaign

This is pretty much the typical corruption and crime that has taken over the Democrat party from top to bottom.

It’s bad enough that Obama’s EPA intentionally flooded the Animas River with toxic waste, and even worse that the EPA and government waited months before telling the public that their water was unsafe to drink.

To make things worse, the money that was donated to help clean up the EPA’s mess/crime is being stolen by the mayor of the city, and used for her own gain.


Flint, Michigan, mayor Karen Weaver should be investigated and brought up on charges if the reports are true, and if found guilty Karen Weaver should have the book thrown at her – though with …

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Brainless GOP #NeverTrump Lawyers STILL Trying to Steal Presidential Nomination From Donald Trump

Corrupt & Dead - Brainless GOP #NeverTrump Lawyers STILL Trying to Steal Presidential Nomination From Donald Trump

Corrupt & Dead – Brainless GOP #NeverTrump Lawyers STILL Trying to Steal Presidential Nomination From Donald Trump

After beating all of the other candidate’s asses and being declared the Republican Party’s presidential nominee by the Chairman of the Republican Party, Reince Priebus, the brainless and corrupt GOP establishment #NeverTrump losers are STILL trying to figure out a way to steal the GOP presidential nomination from Donald Trump.

The corrupt GOP establishment have gathered 250 of their slime-ball lawyers to come up with a sneaky and underhanded plan to twist some arms and threaten and/or bribe delegates to change their votes away from Trump.

We’ve been reading a lot of stories about establishment GOP jackasses who are probably going to lose their asses in the next election, and be replaced by a Tea Party Patriot, or someone from the other new conservative groups taking the place of the corrupt and dead GOP.

Good conservatives won’t go away or stop voting now that the Republican Party has imploded due to their own stupidity. No, conservatives will continue to vote for the people …

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Obama’s Ultra Corrupt State Department Claims No Emails Between Clinton & Pagliano Found on Clinton’s Illegal Homebrew Server

Obama's Ultra Corrupt State Department Claims No Emails Between Clinton & Pagliano Found on Clinton's Illegal Homebrew Server

Obama’s Ultra Corrupt State Department Claims No Emails Between Clinton & Pagliano Found on Clinton’s Illegal Homebrew Server

The Democrat-protecting ultra corrupt Obama State Department claims that they are unable to find any emails between Clinton and Bryan Pagliano on the illegal homebrew server, setup in her home of Hillary Clinton,.

They also claimed that there were no classified emails on the server, but we all know that this was just a lie designed to shield the Democrat’s candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, from having her fat ass thrown in prison.

If there actually are no emails from Bryan Pagliano, that means that Hillary had the emails deleted permanently, and would explain the multiple payments that Hillary Clinton has paid to a document and hard drive destruction company.

We think that the corrupt State Department is hiding the emails from the Republicans and from the American People, because they know with every additional email begrudgingly pulled from Clinton’s illegal email server, the more damaged Hillary will be in the general election, and more Americans would view Hillary as a corrupt …

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DNC Media Arm CNN Finds Only One Democrat Who plans On Voting for Hillary Clinton in Liberal Stronghold Logan Co W.V.

CNN, the corrupt so-called “news network” in bed with “Crooked” Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, went to Logan Co., W.V. – a town that is 6-1 Democrat – to try and find some Democrats who would be voting for Hillary Clinton, and seems to have only found one voting for the corrupt criminal Hillary Clinton.

The rest of the registered Democrats in West Virginia say that they will be voting for Donald Trump.

Hillary claims to have misspoken when she said that she would be getting rid of coal mining and the coal miner’s jobs, but everyone knows that she said exactly what she meant to, and just like Obama, the Democrats want to kill coal and destroy the lives of the miners who work in the mines.

Obama had basically already said pretty much the same thing – that many coal mines would be forced out of business, and many coal miners would lose their jobs, as a result of the Democrat’s anti-American policies, designed to destroy America, while aiding foreign nations.

All good Americans need to support and …

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Donald Trump Trashes CNN As “The Hillary Network” After Being Attacked Unfairly by Libtard Dumbfuck Chris Cuomo

Donald Trump completely ripped the libtard so-called “news network” CNN to shreds after being unfairly attacked in an interview by stupid Hillary Clinton supporter host Chris Cuomo.

Only Donald Trump can go on the attack when he gets these kind of questions from the Democrat’s media arms at CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC. First of all Hillary would never be attacked like that in an interview because the libratds in the media want to protect her, and make her come out smelling like a rose, instead of like the infested bag of shit criminal that Hillary really is.

I think it’s great that Donald Trump can go into the most hostile interview, and speak off the cuff, while defending himself brilliantly, and making the interviewer look like a complete fool. As he did in just a few sentences to CNN’s libtard douchebag loser Chris Cuomo.

Donald Trump went on with Chris Cuomo Monday morning in his first interview since clinching the Republican nomination for president.

Cuomo opened the interview with a hard-hitting question on Donald’s recent comments about Hillary Clinton. That’s

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Brainless Libtard Loser John Kerry Doesn’t Realize The US is ALREADY Borderless While Other Nations Beef Up Borders

John Kerry is a stupid libtard loser who knows more about plastic surgery than national security, and the American People know not to trust any of the stupid drivel and lies that constantly spew from John Kerry’s mouth.

John Kerry tries scaring impressionable college kids by telling them “You’re about to graduate into a complex and borderless world.” due to the rise of Donald Trump, but Kerry fails to realize that the United States ALREADY has completely open borders that terrorists have driven cars full of weapons across with nobody there to stop them.

The US borders have absolutely no border security, and the terrorists know it. The only one who doesn’t know it are the libtards like John Kerry, who are too busy having plastic surgery and Botox injections than doing their jobs.

Just about every other smart nation in the world are beefing up their border and national security, as the Democrats do everything in their power to allow terrorists to stroll into the United States unchecked, with drugs, weapons, people and even weapons of mass destruction.

The …

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Azealia Banks, Black People Starting to Realize They Have Been Duped & Screwed By Liberal Democrat Policies Keeping Them Down

Azealia Banks is a black singer/entertainer who supports Donald Trump as the next President of the United States, in a new trend that we have been watching grow since Donald Trump started his run for the White House.

“Right, black folk have been voting democrat for the last 70 years and we don’t have shit to show for it.” – Singer Azealia Banks

It’s really refreshing to start to see the new generation of black people who have started to wake up after being brainwashed, lied to and screwed over by Democrats for 70 years! It’s even more refreshing to see more black people supporting the more conservative candidates, like Donald Trump.

“I REALLY want Donald Trump to win the election.” – Singer Azealia Banks

Hillary Clinton “talks to black people as if we’re children or pets.” – Singer Azealia Banks\

It’s true that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party treats black people as pets, becase that is exactly what black people are to the Democrats. To the Democrat Party that started the KKK and fought the Civil War …

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