Brainless Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp Destroyed Own Election Chances By Opposing Judge Kavanaugh Nomination

Heidi Heitkamp is done, and will lose her Senate seat on November 6th. We have always felt that there was a 99% chance that Democrat Sen. Heidi Heitkamp was going to lose the election for her North Dakota Senate seat, but now that Heitkamp has announced her plan to oppose Judge Kavanaugh it is now 100 certain that Heitkamp will lose – mark my words!

Dumb ass Democrat loser Heitkamp is currently down at least 10 points in midterm polling, and that deficit is definitely going to expand now that Heitkamp has stupidly announced that she will be voting “No” on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

There is virtually no doubt that Rep. Kevin Cramer is going to beat the shit out of Heitkamp in the midterm election, and the false “Blue Wave” that we have heard so much about will even more non-existent and disappointing for Democrats.

North Dakota voters need to make sure they get out to the polls and vote on November 6th to replace dumb ass Democrat skank Heidi Heitkamp with Republican Kevin Cramer!

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.),

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CA State Assembly Candidate Melissa Fazli Recants Allegations of Gil Cisneros Misconduct After Meeting With Cisneros Campaign

CA State Assembly Candidate Melissa Fazli accused Gil Cisneros of sexual misconduct, but now it appears as though Cisneros has convinced Fazli to recant her very serious, very credible and very detailed sexual misconduct allegations.

Gil Cisneros sexual harassment accuser, Melissa Fazli, is now recanting her story after meeting with the Cisneros campaign, and now says that the sexual misconduct accusations were just a “big misunderstanding”.

“Had a sit down meeting w/ @GilCisnerosCA facilitated by @Mjadvice last night and I’m so relieved that it was a HUGE misunderstanding.” – Lying CA State Assembly Candidate Melissa Fazli

So, Melissa Fazli makes these very serious and believable accusations against Gil Cisneros, but then has one meeting with the Cisneros campaign… and then POOF! The very serious allegations against Gil Cisneros are supposed to magically go away and be forgotten?

I don’t think so! The very serious and credible sexual misconduct allegations against Gil Cisneros need to be fully investigated to give CA voters all the information they need to prevent electing a sexual abuser to a government position.

I believe the original …

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Criminal Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Staffer Jackson A. Cosko Arrested For Doxxing Congressional Republicans on Wikipedia

New reports came out overnight showing that Jackson A. Cosko, a staffer for corrupt racist Democrat loser Sheila Jackson Lee was the one who doxxed Republican members of Congress on Wikipedia, knowingly posting the “Restricted Personal Information” of Republicans they didn’t agree with on Wikipedia website for the world to see.

Criminal Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Staffer Jackson A. Cosko Arrested For Doxxing Congressional Republicans on Wikipedia

Criminal Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Staffer Jackson A. Cosko Arrested For Doxxing Congressional Republicans on Wikipedia

Cosko has been charged with multiple crimes – making Public Restricted Personal Information, Witness Tampering, Threats in Interstate Communications, Unauthorized Access of a Government Computer, 2nd Degree Burglary and Unlawful Entry.

New reports also say that Cosko threatened to release the health information of congressional Republicans’ children!

“If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials.” – Democrat Criminal Jackson A. Cosko

We wonder if Sheila Jackson Lee or Maxine Waters put staffer Jackson A. Cosko up to posting the restricted personal information of Republicans on the Wikipedia website?

It wouldn’t shock me the least bit if Democrats instructed staff to post the …

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Accused Democrat Ellison Says No Similarities Between Allegations Against Him & Judge Kavanaugh – Yea, Kavanaugh Allegations Are False

HaHaHa!! Accused Democrat woman abuser Keith Ellison says that there are “no similarities” between the abuse allegations against him and Judge Kavanaugh, and the funny thing is that would have to agree with Ellison on that.

There really are very few similarities between the abuse allegations against Democrat Keith Ellison and SCOTUS nominee Judge Kavanaugh – BECAUSE THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST JUDGE KAVANAUGH ARE 36 YEARS OLD AND FAKE.

We 100% believe the very recent and credible “emotional and physical abuse” allegations by Keith Ellison’s x-girlfriend, Karen Monahan, and Monahan actually has evidence like police reports and medical evidence to back up her very serious and shocking claims against Ellison.

Ellison claims that there was an “independent investigation” of the abuse allegations against him, but that was a sham “investigation” designed to absolve Ellison of wrongdoing. Then the Democrats announce that they will have the local authorities investigate the abuse claims against Ellison, knowing that the local police would be easy to buy off, and his crimes would never be truly investigated.

IF Keith Ellison and the Democrats actually wanted to …

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Sexist Beto “Blato” O’Rourke Wrote Broadway Actor’s ‘Only Qualifications.. Phenomenally Large Breasts & Tight Buttocks’

America is starting to learn more about Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke, and with every new fact Beto O’Rourke looks more like an entitled multi-faceted dickhead loser, who is not a god guy, and he definitely should not be elected to be a US Senator.

Beto "Blato" O'Rourke Wrote Broadway Actor's 'Only Qualifications.. Phenomenally Large Breasts & Tight Buttocks'

Beto “Blato” O’Rourke Wrote Broadway Actor’s ‘Only Qualifications.. Phenomenally Large Breasts & Tight Buttocks’

The latest information we are learning about Beto O’Rourke is that he has authored some very disgusting anti-woman writings – attacking the female actors in “The Will Rogers Follies” Broadway show, saying that their “only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks”.

O’Rourke is not only a sexist dickhead, but also appears to be a really bad drunk, who police reports show got into an accident while driving drunk, and then reportedly tried leaving the scene of the crash and had to be stopped.

Then, to top it off, we have the fact that Beto O’Rourke has even been arrested for attempted Burglary.

Anyone who speaks about females the way that he does should be widely condemned …

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Kanye West Supports President Trump MAGA On Crappy SNL But Still Won’t Refute Left’s Unfounded Lies of Racism

Lets face it, Kanye West (or “Ye”, as he now wants to be known) obviously has huge balls for his public support for President Trump, especially while in groups where the vast majority are afflicted with terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome – LIKE THE SNL STAGE – and in the face of a shitload of anti-Trump pressure, but why won’t Kanye refute the Democrat lie that the President of the United States is a racist? He knows it’s not true.

Kanye is making a big difference to help change minds in the black community about President Trump and Republicans, but the lie about Republicans and President Trump being racist, which is the opposite of reality, is not being challenged by Kanye or pretty much anyone else with a large enough megaphone.

“They bullied me backstage. They said, ‘don’t go out there with that hat on. They bullied me backstage. They bullied me! And then they say I’m in a sunken place. You want to see the sunken place? Okay, I’ma listen to ya’ll now (takes off MAGA hat) — or I’ma

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Total Stud Sen. Tom Cotton Destroys False Libtard Kavanaugh Smear Campaign Narrative on Leftist ‘Face the Nation’

Senator Tom Cotton is a total stud! I love the interview he gave with dumb-ass John Dickerson on the far leftist ‘Face the Nation’ program, where Cotten lays out the truth about the Democrat’s false “search and destroy mission” smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh.

The good thing is that the American People are now fully aware of the Democrat’s dirty #HijackedMeToo gameplan that they will employ every time the need to assassinate the character of conservatives the Democrats oppose, but each time they run their smear campaigns it gets less and less believable and effective.

There is no doubt that anyone who has such a low respect for the law that they would make false accusations to congress, while under oath, need to be indicted, convicted and sent to prison for a very long time – and Christine Blasey Ford and the other false accusers need to all be held accountable for their lies while under oath.

Sleezey & creepy leftist Democrat lawyers who facilitate these false accusations, need to also be held accountable, and face losing their law licenses.…

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