Terrorist Minds Think Alike – CNN, MSNBC Fake News Douchebags Share Feelings With Thousands Oaks Terrorist on “Hopes & Prayers”

This is disturbing! MSNBC & CNN Fake News liars share the same disgusting hatred of grieving people who send “thoughts & prayers” to people affected by tragedy – and the Fake News Terrorists share feelings with the now dead Thousands Oaks Terrorist.

Terrorist Minds Think Alike - Thousands Oaks Terrorist & MSNBC Douchebag Chris Matthews Share Feelings on "Hopes & Prayers"

Terrorist Minds Think Alike – Thousands Oaks Terrorist & MSNBC Douchebag Chris Matthews Share Feelings on “Hopes & Prayers”

MSNBC Fake News lying douchebag Chris Matthews has come out and said that the phrase “Hopes & Prayers” should be outlawed, and Thousands Oaks Terrorist Ian David Long shared similar feelings before

“Thoughts and prayers … I’m sorry, but that should be outlawed. I know it’s well intended in some cases. It’s a throwaway line by a staffer who knocks off some script, some product, some wordage for somebody political to make it sound like they give a damn.” – Fake News MSNBC Douche Chris Matthews

“You mock those who lost loved ones because if you gave it any thought at all you would never walk away from any of these without figuring out a better way to deal

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Non-Stop Lies & False Attacks By Fake News Networks Causing Violently Unhinged Democrat Domestic Terrorists to Attack Conservatives

The Fake News Networks, like CNN and MSNBC are responsible for the violent attacks we’ve been seeing lately, including the Synagogue attack and last night’s deadly attack on a country dance bar’s College Country Night, where a “mysterious man in black clutching a semi-automatic pistol” killed at least 12 people, and even the Antifa (Anti 1st Amendment Domestic Terrorist Group) Domestic Terrorists who committed hate crimes as they attacked Fox News Host Tucker Carlson’s home with his terrified family inside.

“CNN was on a crusade to demonize Tucker Carlson as a racist in the days and weeks leading up to the left-wing terrorist group Antifa’s Wednesday night attack on the Fox News anchor’s home.”

The Fake News liars attack conservatives (all day – everyday) and call anyone that doesn’t agree with their craziness “EVIL”, “RACIST”, “NAZIS” and any other disgusting insult that they can spew, and then when a nutjob reacts to their ‘dog whistles” the corrupt fake news media willplaster the psycho’s name and face all over the TV and Internet, making the violent criminal famous – and ensuring …

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What the fuck is up with Broward County and Palm Beach? Why the fuck are these the only two counties that can’t get their shit together and run a straight election? Broward County Serial Election Rigger & Board of Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes, and the rest of these criminals, need to be busted and sent to prison for their election crimes!

The reason why these two Florida counties can’t run a simple election is because they are shady as fuck, and there is RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD in those two counties to try and steal elections. The pieces of shit in Broward County and Palm Beach Florida know that, when done right, their well-practiced voter fraud schemes are very hard to catch.

Well, we’re onto the dumbfucks in Broward County and Palm Beach, and they aren’t going to keep getting away with their crimes.

Broward County Serial Election Rigger & Board of Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes has been accused of:
1.) Illegally destroying ballots
2.) Not mailing out absentee ballots
3.) Systemic breakdowns making it difficult for Floridians to cast votes…


CNN Fake News Liar Jim Acosta Has White House Press Pass Revoked After Assaulting Woman At Trump Press Conference

Fake News CNN’s White House Liar Jim Acosta appears to have assaulted a female White House intern during a press conference by President Trump, while she was doing her job, and has subsequently had his White House Press Pass revoked – and we say “Good! It’s about time!”

Leftist liar Jim Acosta was trying to bully his way into asking President Trump as many questions as he damn-well pleased, and President Trump wasn’t having it, and when the female White House intern went to take the mic to the person with the next question, Jim Acosta appears to hit her with his arm to try and prevent her from getting the microphone.

There are many good videos of the assault by Jim Acosta, but I think the version included in White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders’ tweet above shows the assault very clearly. You can see her arm get …

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HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Beto O’Rourke just helped some very rich leftists flush truckloads of cash straight down the toilet, and I love it!



O’Rourke reportedly spent over $100 million of other people’s money – most of which showered on him by Hollywood Socialists and leftist billionaires – only to lose the election to Ted Cruz.

All the money in the world, including $5 million on Facebook ads alone, apparently couldn’t help Beto O’Rourke make people like him.

I love when rich leftists lose millions of dollars while trying, and failing, to buy elections. That ‘WHOOSH’ sound made as George Soros’ cash goes down the drain makes me happy.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org


‘MEMES ARE COMING!’ HBO Dumbfucks Screw Selves With False Claim of Trademark Infringement by Trump Meme

HBO seems to be claiming Trademark Infringement by a “Sanctions are Coming” meme that President Trump retweeted, which depicted the President of the United States walking out of the mist, with the words on top of the image.

'MEMES ARE COMING!' HBO Dumbfucks Screw Selves With False Claim of Trademark Infringement by Trump Meme

‘MEMES ARE COMING!’ HBO Dumbfucks Screw Selves With False Claim of Trademark Infringement by Trump Meme

Where is the trademark infringement though? What, are people not allowed to say that anything “is coming” anymore, just because “Winter is Coming” is a statement in the Game of Thrones show?

“We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes” – “How do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?” – HBO

I don’t believe that the meme was actually created by President Trump, and doesn’t really even use the real GOT font, so where is the infringement?

I think HBO probably would like a redo on this one, because they really fucked it up, and now there will be 100x more Game of Thrones memes coming out in the next few weeks, starring President Trump and …

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Democrats, Fake News Networks Responsible for American People’s Hate Towards Them – Not President Trump – Their Lies Are Not Working

Just about every one of the leftist Fake News Media talking heads are doing some crazy on-air mental gymnastics to try and pin all violence inside the United States on President Trump, including the disgusting attack on the Jewish Synagogue, but the American People know that the Fake News are just lying to try and get Democrats elected – and damage the President.

Democrats, Fake News Networks Responsible for American People's Hate Towards Them - Not President Trump - Their Lies Are Not Working

Democrats, Fake News Networks Responsible for American People’s Hate Towards Them – Not President Trump – Their Lies Are Not Working

The President of the United States didn’t create the problems for CNN, or the disgust that the American People have for the hate of conservatives, and support for the worst and most deviant and evil factions of the Democrat party coming from the leftist liars. “The More Extreme the Better” is the motto of CNN and MSNBC, and if someone says something disgusting enough about President Trump, they are immediately hired by the networks, or at least booked on more shows.

President Trump, the most pro-Israel President in US history, is not responsible for hate against …

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Democrat Criminals Beto O’Rourke & Campaign Secretly & Illegally Helping Supply & Transport Illegal Immigrants

The staff of criminals campaign workers helping Socialist loser Beto O’Rourke’s campaign have let it slip out that they have been secretly and illegally helping fund, feed and transport illegal immigrants.

“I just hope nobody that’s the wrong person finds out about this!” – Corrupt, Lying, Criminal Beto O’Rourke Campaign Staffer

Beto O’Rourke’s staff talks about knowingly breaking the law by using campaign pre-paid credit cards to purchase things for the illegals, transporting illegals in their campaign vans, and then covering up their crimes with lies that appear to explain away the illegal campaign expenses.

“Don’t ever repeat this and stuff, but, like.. if we just say that we’re buying food for a campaign event, like the Halloween events, cause there’s block walks coming up for Halloween.” – Corrupt, Lying, Criminal Beto O’Rourke Campaign Staffer

The truth is that the crimes that Beto O’Rourke’s staff admitted to are serious crimes that could result in some huge fines and land each of them in prison for up to 5 years – and personally, I think they should all be held accountable …

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