Justice Antonin Scalia Autopsy Definitely Needed After Suspicious Details of Death Come to Light

Just as the 80-90 suspicious deaths of people surrounding Bill & Hillary Clinton are probably not an accident, the same goes for the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, whose death is just a bit too convenient for Obama and the Democrats.

Justice Antonin Scalia Autopsy Definitely Needed After Fishy Details of Death Come to Light

Justice Antonin Scalia Autopsy Definitely Needed After Fishy Details of Death Come to Light

If Obama and the Democrat Culture of Crime and Corruption gets their way, they will appoint a new ultra lib Supreme Court Justice, who will help thge \Democrats continue to destroy America, and this may be why Obama and the Democrats probably had Justice Antonin Scalia murdered.

The brainless anti-American libtard Democrats would love nothing more than to cement their right to murder their babies anytime they wish, and also to take away all American’s constitutional rights to own and carry firearms.

Now there is even a fight by Democrats to stop medical examiners from performing an autopsy on Justice Scalia, saying that an autopsy isn’t needed, but we completely disagree. There should ABSOLUTELY be an autopsy of Justice Antonin Scalia – especially when there are reports that there was a pillow over the head of Justice Scalia when he was found.

Personally, we feel that Obama and the Democrat criminals murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, making it a lot more likely that they can get the votes of some of the fake ass Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Rob Portman, Kelly Ayotte, Orrin Hatch, Ron Johnson, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Mark Kirk, and Jeff Flake.

I can GUARANTEE that any nutless pussy Republicans who help Obama appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court will be out of a job very quickly, and will never again have a second of peace in their lives from that day forward! Conservatives will fuck them up if they try and screw us!

Conspiracy theories are beginning to swirl in the aftermath of the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was found dead at 79 in his room on Saturday morning at the Cibolo Creek Ranch in Texas.

While Scalia was pronounced dead “of natural causes”–or, alternatively, of a heart attack–no qualified official had actually examined his body, and there was no autopsy performed, apparently in deference to the wishes of his family.

John Poindexter, the owner of the ranch, provided more bait for speculation with an awkward description of how Scalia was found: “We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled.”

Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara said that there had been “no foul play,” according to the Washington Post–but she had “pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy.” It had taken “hours” for authorities to find the judge at all.

Conspiracy sites and social media have lit up with suggestions that Scalia may have been eliminated to ensure a 5-4 liberal majority before President Barack Obama leaves office. Of course, those theories cannot explain why, if the president had wanted Scalia (or another conservative jurist) dead, he would have waited past so many big decisions.

More serious questions will focus on the medical care Scalia received last week. He apparently visited his doctor on Wednesday and Thursday, but chose to travel anyway over the weekend.

The exact cause of death is still unknown.

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