Obama’s Failed Policies Have Cause Dramatic Increase in Food Stamp Dependence

Thanks to Obama’s failed policies, and his attacks on our capitalistic system, which continue killing off jobs and creating uncertainty in the economy, almost 15% of people who live in the U.S. are now dependent on food stamps.

California and New York are among the states who have the highest concentration of people who use food stamps. – Imagine that!!

We now also learn that Obama thinks that extending unemployment benefits will “Create Jobs Right Now”, which demonstrates how out-of-touch Obama is on any and all matters dealing with the economy. Anyone who does not look through Obama’s Socialism glasses will easily be able to see that if you extent unemployment benefits, most people would just consider that extra time that they can relax before finding a job. If you want people to get jobs, don’t give them more money for staying home, because most low-lives will take the extra time and free money, without getting off their asses to look for a job.

“You don’t get out of 9.2% unemployment, you don’t get out of — today it was announced [that] the largest number of Americans [are] on food stamps in history. I’ve said now for six months, this is the most effective food stamp President in history. That sounds like it is an attack, it’s just a statement of fact. It’s just that his administration kills jobs. They are driving Americans onto food stamps. Most Americans would rather have a paycheck”

Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in May, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

The number of Americans using the government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — more commonly referred to as food stamps — shot to an all-time high of 45.8 million in May, the USDA reported. That’s up 12% from a year ago, and 34% higher than two years ago.

The program provides monthly benefits to low-income individuals and families, which they can use at stores that accept SNAP benefits.

To qualify for food stamps, an individual’s income can’t exceed $1,174 a month or $14,088 a year — an amount that is 130% of the national poverty level.

The average food stamp benefit was $133.80 per person and $283.65 per household in May.

The highest concentration of food stamp users were in California, Florida, New York and Texas — where more than 3 million residents in each state received food stamps in May.

The rise in food stamp use comes as the U.S. job market continues to sputter, and food prices across the country climb.

But a spike in food stamp users in Alabama may have been responsible for pushing total usage unusually higher in May. Following a series of devastating storms, many residents received disaster assistance under the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the USDA said. Food stamp use in the state surged from 868,813 in April to 1,762,481 in May.

“USDA does not anticipate that trend of increase to continue, given that it appears to represent a response to a single disaster,” the USDA said.

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