NYC Construction Worker’s Trump Impersonation FAR Better Than Saturday Night Live’s Leftist Douchebag Alec Baldwin’s

Saturday Night Live should hire THIS NYC construction worker to impersonate President Trump on their shitty show, because Alec Baldwin is horrible (at everything) and this construction worker really has all parts of the Trump persona down near perfectly.

Why Saturday Night Live continues to employ such a disgusting human being, like Alec Baldwin, is beyond me.. but then again I stopped watching Saturday Night Live many years ago when it stopped being funny – so I really couldn’t give a shit what the losers on that craptastic show for leftists say or do.

Talk to 10 people who used to watch Saturday Night Live back when it was actually funny, and I would bet 80% of these people no longer watch the show.. and the people who do still watch SNL are TDS-inflicted leftists with severe mental problems.

100% of the Saturday Night Live writers and actors are dumbfuck anti-Trump leftists, so no need to talk to them.

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