NHL Dumbucks Made Grave Mistake Supporting BLM Terrorists – Many Fans Dropping Support

The NHL always seemed to be a sport that didn’t fall into many of the problems, scandals and political traps laid out by the new socialist democrats, but that has quickly changed, and with the NHL’s support for BLM terrorists MANY fans are really fucking pissed off, and talking about completely dropping the NHL from their lives.

NHL Dumbucks Made Grave Mistake Supporting BLM Terrorists – Many Fans Dropping Support

Sports in America used to be a nice, much-needed respite from the daily piles of fake news being crammed down our throats 24 hours a fucking day by CNN, MSNBC and many other networks, but now we tune into sports and see the same bullshit and lies that the fake news assholes have been pushing for years and years.

Nobody wants to be reminded of the Communist democrats constant attempts to destroy America using a bunch of racist black lives matter terrorists to try and scare America into submission.

And now the NHL is cancelling playoff games in a shortened bullshit season anyway? For what?? FUCK YOU!

I got 5 texts from different people, who don’t really talk to each other on a regular basis, telling me that they were done with the NHL – and my respponse to each was the same thing – “I’M 99% DONE WITH THE NHL ALSO! TERRORIST-LOVING DUMBFUCKS!”

Well, I’m probably up to 99.7% chance now that I never watch NHL again – and when I’m done, I don’t come back – ever.

I say “FUCK YOU!! GO TO HELL!!” to DNC, BLM, NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB and anyone else who actively helps the BLM terrorize and destroy America.

The NHL is either too fucking stupid to see that they are being lied to for political purposes, or too fucking weak to stand up for what is right because they don’t want to be a target of BLM terrorists.

I predict the NHL will end up very much regretting getting involved in the dangerous political game being played by the democrats – which is not really a game at all – it’s fucking deadly! I also predict that the NHL will see a big down-turn in support for years to come.

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