News Networks Thousands of Miles Away Are Much More Accurate & Trustworthy Than American Fake News Liars

You know, it’s really sad that 90% of the media outlets in America are so fucking corrupt and owned by the democrat party that they can’t get one fucking political story right – no matter what it is – but news networks thousands of miles away in other countries can give accurate reports about politics in America.

“Ripping up the speech.. very childish – and pre-planned – but you saw the democrats there sitting with their arms folded, and that was at the start of the speech when Trump was talking about the ‘Blue Collar Boom’ – the economic boom. He’s talking about record low unemployment – record low black unemployment, more women in the workforce than ever – and you have the women there dressed in white to make sort of a Handmaid’s Tale type statement – just sitting there with their arms folded for economic success of women and minorities. So, this does not look well – it doesn’t play well – and I think it just shows, as we were saying before, they’re not interested in policy. They [democrats] just hate the man Trump – they loathe him – but when they hate Trump what they really hate are his supporters.

Even the news networks 10,000 miles away in Austrailia report more accurate and truthful news about American politics. These foreign news networks have much more credibility and trustworthiness than any of America’s fake news liars, like CNN, MSNBC and NYT.

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