Gutless Pussy Lindsey Graham Needs to Get Off His Ass And Start Holding Democrats Accountable

Damn, Lindsey Graham is a completely fucking worthless pussy! The Democrat’s constant illegal and treasonous attacks against President Trump could be muted or even stopped if Lindsay Graham would do his fucking job!

Fake conservative loser Lindsay Graham is actually preventing the conservatives from holding hearings, serving subpoenas, and stopping the Democrat shit-show.

The American People need to tell Lindsay Graham to do his job or fucking retire, because you are useless and actually a detriment to the Republican Party and conservatives everywhere!

On May 1, 2019 Lindsey Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, promised investigations on how the Mueller probe started.

Senator Graham made the the comments during testimony by US Attorney General Bill Barr in front of the US Senate.

But Lindsey Graham lied.
Lindsey Graham is a fraud.

Lindsey Graham has scheduled NO COMMITTEE HEARINGS on Deep State, FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper, George Papadopoulos, Tom Fitton, Sidney Powell, Joe diGenova, John Brennan, James Comey, Chris Wray, etc.

Here is the list of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings since Lindsey Graham made that lie back on May 1, 2019.

On Monday Senator Rand Paul joined Tucker Carlson to discuss Lindsey Graham’s empty promises and multiple lies to the American public.

Lindsey promised to investigate the origins of the Russia hoax, the Ukrainian investigation and the Roger Stone raid.
These were ALL LIES.

And Tucker Carlson noted that Lindsey Graham will not call in former Ambassador Kurt Volker to the Judiciary Committee even though his testimony undermines the current Democratic Party Ukrainian narrative!

Tucker Carlson: Now his inaction extends to the Ukraine saga as well. State Department official Kurt Volker has given closed door testimony that undermines the current impeachment narrative. Two weeks ago Graham said that if Democrats didn’t release a transcript of Volker’s remarks he would summon Volker before the Senate to testify. We’re still waiting for that to happen too.

Lindsey Graham could destroy the Democrats’ entire Ukrainian narrative with one public hearing! What is Lindsey Graham waiting for? Who is he protecting?

On Tuesday Rush Limbaugh made a suggestion to why Lindsey is not acting. It may be because the answers will lead to his buddy the late Senator John McCain.

Via The Rush Limbaugh Show:

If you’re not troubled by the fact that what really is happening here is that the entirety of the United States government is attempting to outdo, overturn and reverse the election results of 2016 — and what does that mean? Your vote doesn’t count! And they’re not stopping until they pull this off.

And there’s one man trying to stop them from doing this, the guy that happened to win the election. Somehow he’s the problem. I’m not talking about with you, of course. I’m talking about with Republicans who just can’t seem to find a way to defend the president. It’s so hard.

A lot of people raised a good point, where’s Lindsey Grahamnesty? Where is he? He’s got a Senate committee that he runs, Judiciary Committee. He could be subpoenaing people, he could be demanding to see — he could be doing in the Senate what they’re doing in the House except he could be doing it to the people that ran this phony investigation into Trump. He could be tracking them all up there. And people ask, “Why isn’t he doing anything?”

And you know what the popular theory is? The popular theory is that he’s got cold feet about doing this because it would implicate Senator McCain, one of his great friends. And it may be true. John McCain was at the epicenter of the Steele dossier’s dissemination. John McCain was one of the leaders in the effort to get Trump and his election reversed and thrown out of town using the Steele dossier and any investigation of this is going to demonstrate this. And many are theorizing that Lindsey Graham just doesn’t want to see Senator McCain’s name dragged through this kind of mud, so there’s no investigation.

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