The Republicans, truckers and all businesses need to resist senile China puppet fake “president” Joe Biden and the democrats, as they try and bully the American People into accepting their tyranny and failures.

The American People are done with the democrats trampling of our constitutional rights, and we need to stand up and say “NO! FUCK YOU!”. Just like people around the country are chanting “FUCK JOE BIDEN!”


I find it quite interesting that these congressional democrats and others are trying like hell to get every one of us to be shot-up with something that they are calling a “vaccine”, but the very same members of Congress have exempted themselves and their staff from the requirement of being vaccinated that they are trying to force on the other 330 million Americans.


I get it.. “the so-called China vaccine makes the effects of the China virus less than without the shot” but if people who took other real vaccines, like the Polio vaccine, or the Measles vaccine, and ended up getting those diseases anyway, and spreading the diseases to others – as is the case with the fake China Virus vaccine – do you really think people would be comfortable taking those vaccines? Nope! So the current China virus vaccine is really just a treatment. Let us know when they have a vaccine that actually works to stop the disease.

If President Biden gets his way, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will require truck drivers, along with the overwhelming majority of American employees, to get COVID-19 injections or face stiff penalties. Truck drivers and their employers are already saddled with burdensome regulations via the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This new Biden regulation further intruding into drivers’ private medical affairs could make finding qualified truckers increasingly difficult, especially for small trucking companies.

At present, all commercially licensed big-rig drivers are required to submit to a physical medical exam every two years. If that exam finds a driver to be, say, pre-diabetic or pre-hypertensive, he must be prescribed medication from his doctor for the problem and present that to an official examiner in order to be cleared to drive. Then he must be reexamined every year instead of every other year.

Certain failures to meet the standards in the exam can disqualify drivers and cut their careers short. The Department of Transportation (DOT) physical not only requires testing by urine sample for diabetes and a blood pressure examination, but it is also a comprehensive physical including tests for vision, hearing, cardiovascular health, and (a favorite of the men), a hernia examination.

Why Truckers Might Say, ‘Jump Off a Bridge’
Adding a COVID shot (and potentially boosters) to these already invasive DOT physical requirements might make truckers balk for several reasons. For one, a good deal of young men aged 21 to 30 are in a low-risk group for complications from a COVID infection, and the Centers for Disease Control acknowledges data showing such younger vaccine recipients can later experience dangerous heart inflammation. Young truckers may make the calculation that risking an adverse side effect like this, although rare, is not worth the chance.

Other drivers might have religious or moral objections to how the vaccine was developed. Still others might simply be sick and tired of having Uncle Sam telling them what to do in virtually every area of their life and flat-out refuse for this reason alone.

Biden’s mandate in its current form also does not take into account those who have natural immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection. Some might see a vaccine as unnecessary because they have such natural immunity.

It is my considered opinion as a truck driver that this latest regulatory overreach may become a bane to small trucking companies at best and strangle the economy due to a severe lack of drivers at worst. I have acquired natural immunity, have ethical concerns about the vaccine, and, quite frankly, already despise complying with nonsensical regulations like this one and many others. If truckers like me decide to refuse this order, several possibilities are in play.

There is a news report that the Lewis County General Hospital in upstate New York will stop delivering babies after September 24. This is because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over the COVID vaccination mandate. The hospital’s chief executive officer, Gerald Cayer, said 165 hospital employees have yet to be vaccinated and that they make 27% of the hospital’s total workforce.

Stories like this are (or will be) repeated all across the country. And it will not just be hospitals that will be affected. Any company ordering vaccination faces a similar labor problem. As it is, many businesses are having trouble finding workers. Resistance to the vaccine mandates will make this worse. Parts of the economy could grind to a halt, proving that there is power in just saying “no.”

If I were in a situation where my employer demanded I be vaccinated, I would not quit or resign. Instead, I would make my employer go through the effort of firing me. I’m not a lawyer, but I feel that this might provide a legal advantage down the road. And if a company purges its unvaccinated employees but exempts some who are in critical high-skill positions, this opens up more legal avenues. Also, many companies have policies on severance packages. If fired, demand your full severance. If you don’t get it, threaten to sue. Whether the company honors its policy or not, demands for it add to the push-back against the mandates. Every little bit helps.

Many will get vaccinated because they need their job. That’s understandable. But there are others who have more flexibility. A critical mass of them is all that’s needed. The idea is to make the vaccine mandates as difficult as possible to enforce. If enough people resist, the vaccine mandates fail…as they should.

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