Even People in Mexico View Migrant Caravans as Unwanted Mobs of Criminals Invading Their Country

The Fake News Networks in America have been lying to their viewers, saying that President Trump and conservatives are racist because we’re against caravans / mobs of illegal criminals invading our borders – and think that this type of invasion in a definite national threat, But how do the people in Mexico feel about the caravan of many-thousands of foreigners, including many criminals, being inside their country – with many more coming?

The truth is that the people of Mexico agree with President Trump and conservatives that these caravans of illegal migrants crossing countries to get to America are “INVADERS”, and should be sent back to their own countries of origin.

You will never see this on the Fake News Networks like CNN, MSNBC and many others, because the actual truth destroys the Democrat’s arguments – like that the mobs of illegals marching towards our border is “propaganda” or a “Made-up Illusion” – all of which are just more disgusting lies by the Anti-American Fake News Networks.

Democrats are in favor of allowing thousands of people into the United States, even though we cannot confirm that they aren’t criminals, violent gang members, or even inflicted with foreign 3rd-world diseases that we definitely don’t want here in our country.

Democrats are 100% responsible for the caravans of migrant mobs heading towards America, and the American People need to hold the Democrats responsible for their support and encouragement of these illegal invading mobs to undermine the laws of the United States of America and enter our nation as criminals.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org