Deathly Sick Hillary Clinton Has More Serious & Uncontrollable Coughing Fits On Campaign Trail – Corrupt Media Tries Covering Up & Making Excuses

Hillary Clinton is one fucked up, sick-ass bitch, who hasn’t been able to stop coughing long enough to say 5 words without hacking up a lung or sounding like she is about to throw a vocal cord in months.

Here are two uncontrollable coughing fits that Hillary has had just in the last few days.

The corrupt media is helping Hillary coverup her horrible failing health, and are even making up excuses for Hillary, saying that she has allergies or has been talking too much on the campaign trail.

The media’s excuses for Clinton’s failing health are complete bullshit!

In the first place, pollen and allergy levels at the time were very low, so it can’t be allergies.

Also, Donald Trump speaks FAR more than Hillary Clinton does and he doesn’t have coughing fits or not be able to speak, while sounding like there is a bug in his throat.

No, Hillary is busy hiding out in her private bunker to protect her from having to speak, especially when she might have to answer any questions, which is only allowed by kids that pay her thousands of dollars first.

The mainstream media attempted to dismiss questions over Hillary Clinton’s health after her latest round of coughing fits by claiming that pollen counts in the area were high, when in reality they were low.

Hillary suffered a coughing fit that lasted for over four minutes during her speech yesterday, prompting a fresh round of speculation about her ailing health.

The presidential candidate then had yet another coughing fit while on her plane with journalists, which conveniently meant that she didn’t have to answer any questions.

MSNBC regurgitated claims by Hillary’s campaign aides that, “Allergens were high in Northeast Ohio on Monday,” before asserting that there is “no evidence to indicate she is unwell.”

Whore press already running defense for #HackingHillary, blaming pollen. What about the 10 previous times?

This was a complete fabrication.

As numerous websites that track daily allergen levels confirmed, grass pollen was low, tree pollen was low and ragweed pollen was moderate. Allergens were not “high,” as Hillary’s campaign and MSNBC claimed.

Pollen count in Cleveland is low today, allergies do not explain coughing fit.

Prevaricating over pollen counts was also a convenient way of avoiding the fact that Hillary has had the exact same coughing fits on innumerable other occasions over the past year.

NBC reported that pollen in the area caused #HackingHillary. They report it as if it’s the first time it happened.

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