Obama Tries Saving 1 Job – His Own – Orders Dept. of Homeland Security to Stop Deporting Illegal Immigrants

Obama has caved in to the cries of Hispanic activists, brain-dead Democrats, and other corrupt jackasses, and has made the dangerously inept Department of Homeland Security stop deporting illegal immigrants who attend school, have a family member in the military, or are responsible for other family member’s care.

Obama is looking for all of the votes he can get in order to try and keep his job after the 2012 election. It’s not going to work though, and Obama will be thrown out of office in a huge landslide! The Department of Homeland Security barely does their job as it is, and now they will be doing even less to keep our country safe.

When Obama, Janet Napolitano, and the Democrats have their way, ALL illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay in our country with no fear of deportation. This is just a round-a-bout way of offering the illegals amnesty, without actually having to come out and call it that.

The Homeland Security Department said Thursday it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who

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Obama’s Least Transparent Admin in History Can’t Continue Ignoring FOIA Requests

The least transparent administration in U.S. History, the Obama administration, cannot continue to just ignore the Freedom of Information requests they receive any longer, due to a new ruling by a U.S. District Judge who ruled that the White House visitor logs are not immune to Freedom on Information requests.

“The proper course of action by the Secret Service is duly to process [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request, disclose all segregable, nonexempt records, and then assert specific FOIA exemptions for all records it seeks to withhold,”

The corrupt Obama administration lied through their teeth when they claimed that their administration would be “the most open and transparent ever”, when in fact they are the most corrupt, least transparent, most secretive administration in U.S. History. Obama’s administration has been ignoring Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests at a much higher rate than past administrations.

U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee, ruled against the Obama administration, Wednesday, finding that the Secret Service’s White House visitor logs are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. The non-partisan pro-transparency non-profit Judicial Watch had

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Black Caucus: We are ‘Getting Tired’ of sticking Up For Obama

I find it quite amusing to hear about African-Americans still support Obama, even though he has never done anything for the African-American community but raise their unemployment numbers by over 10%, and make them more dependent on government handouts like welfare and food stamps.

Unemployment among African-Americans has shot past 16% since Obama took office, which is much higher than it was under our previous two presidents. African-American unemployment was only 9.4% during President Bush’s term in office, which is significantly lower than the 10% it averaged in the Clinton years.

Even Obama’s personal propaganda-spreading news station MSNBC cannot ignore the growing outrage in the Black Caucus and the African-American community, aimed squarely at Obama.

Actually, Obama isn’t really even the first black president, despite what you think.. He is the first mixed race president of the United States.

During a sometimes-raucous session of what’s being called the “For the People” Jobs Initiative tour, a key member of the Congressional Black Caucus told an audience in Detroit Tuesday that the CBC doesn’t put pressure on President Obama because he is

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Thus guy is great! I don’t agree with not paying your bills though, which would only make things worse. We are not corrupt thugs like the Democrats who don’t pay their bills and evade paying their taxes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org


US Taxpayers Pay Monthly Salaries To Terrorists Prisoners, Wives, Children

This is unbelievable! US taxpayers pay monthly salaries to terrorists, including their wives and children, while they sit in jail for murdering U.S. citizens. “These are people who planned, directed and took part in the intentional sadistic slaughter of civilian men, women and children, at point blank range.” Why do terrorists, or anyone for that matter, get paid for sitting in prison? They should be put out of our misery instead of being paid to rot in prison.

Every single Palestinian Authority terrorist held in an Israeli jail receives a monthly salary from the PA. Terrorists who committed the most heinous crimes – and therefore received longer sentences – receive the most money, according to a report in Israeli paper Yisrael Hayom.

Citing a report received by a senior government official in Jerusalem, the paper says that the terrorists’ salaries are paid from the PA’s “public budget,” which accounts for about 3.5 percent of its total budget.

The PA treasury receives cash from two main sources: the US pays about 50 percent of the money, and the rest is mostly

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A U.S. appeals court for the 11th Circuit ruled today that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare law, (now re-branded by the corrupt Democrats as the “Affordable Care Act” to try and trick people into thinking it’s not the same thing as Obamacare) which forces people to purchase a service against their will, or else face a penalty, was unconstitutional.

Obama and the corrupt, brain-dead, socialists that run the Democrat party have not given up, and again said that “Today’s ruling is one of many decisions on the Affordable Care Act that we will see in the weeks and months ahead. In the end, we are confident the Act will ultimately be upheld as constitutional”.

We doubt it, unless the liberal jackasses in the 9th District are the ones to make the ruling..

President Barack Obama’s healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty.

The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to


Obama Administration Lies, Uses Fallen U.S. Soldiers for Political Gain

The despicable Obama administration has gone against the wishes of our fallen soldiers’ families and allowed images to be taken at the ceremony when their bodies were brought back home.

When President Bush was in office, in order to try and make our president look bad, Obama and the Democrats lifted the ban on the media taking pictures of the caskets of our fallen soldiers, upon their return. The Democrats used the lifting of that ban at every opportunity to show the soldiers whose blood they claimed was on the hands of President Bush.

Now that Obama is in office though, they don’t want the American public to see all of the dead soldiers and blood on the hands of Obama, so they again impose a ban on the media to keep the huge increase of military deaths a secret.
Despite the Pentagon’s claim that any public depiction of the homecoming ceremony for our dead soldiers would go against the wishes of the soldier’s families, but Obama’s photographer was allowed to take pictures at the ceremony, and distributed an image …

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Desperate Left Continues Blaming Tea Party For Obama’s Failed Economic Policy

I laugh at these stupid hacks on TV, like Loony-Bin Alan Colmes, Goof-Ball Ed Schultz, Wack-Job Al Gore, and even No-Jobs Obama and Joe Gaff-Master Biden and Rep. Nobody-Cares Mike Doyle, who blame the Tea Party for Obama’s failure to produce a budget in 3 years, in conjunction with Obama’s out-of-control spending, which are the real reasons we are facing the precarious position of our economy.

Instead of taking blame for their fiscal failures and inability to govern, they play the blame game and blame everything and everyone under the sun, and then attack the Tea Party. These jackasses have called us terrorists, rapists, kidnappers, suicide bombers, and other completely crazy, false, and derogatory terms that they wanted the Corrupt Obama Swooning Media to latch onto, and then drum-beat into the heads of the know-nothing-mush-brains out there who believe anything they hear on these corrupt media outlets.

The truth is that IF Obama’s failed stimulus would have worked, and actually created jobs, there would have been a plenty of “revenues” flowing into the government, and there never would …

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