Obama’s Energy Department Approves Two More Solyndra-Like Loans

Meet the next two Solyndra-like Obama loan scandals that are sure to be in the news in the very new future.

The Obama administration’s Energy Department has just approved two more government-backed loan guarantees, worth more than $1 billion, for two more solar energy companies, similar to the loan they gave Solyndra.

  • Tonopah Solar – $737 million gov loan
  • Mesquite Solar – $337 million gov loan

Soon, we will also be learning about what friends and supporters of Obama’s are involved with the companies, and how much the companies have donated to Obama.

The Energy Department on Wednesday approved two loan guarantees worth more than $1 billion for solar energy projects in Nevada and Arizona, two days before the expiration date of a program that has become a rallying cry for Republican critics of the Obama administration’s green energy program.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the department has completed a $737 million loan guarantee to Tonopah Solar Energy for a 110 megawatt solar tower on federal land near Tonopah, Nev., and a $337 million guarantee for Mesquite Solar 1 to

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Federal Judge Upholds Majority of New Alabama Immigration Law

A Birmingham federal judge delt a damaging blow to the Obama administration and it’s Department of Justice today, as the federal judge upheld most of the new, tough, Alabama immigration law, which the Obama administration has filed a lawsuit to stop.

What kind of “president” would sue a state for wanting to enforce our nation’s laws, and stop illegal immigrants from entering our country, when Obama and the federal government would do nothing, other than make speeches, attack conservatives, and file lawsuits against anyone wanting to enforce the law. Obama doesn’t care about our nation’s laws.. All Obama cares about are his aspirations of transferring America into a Socialistic nation.

A Birmingham federal judge today upheld most sections of Alabama’s tough new immigration law. U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn ruled on a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit seeking to block the law.

Blackburn upheld a provision of the state law related to police stops and detentions of people suspected of being in the country illegally.

She also upheld sections requiring schools to check the citizenship status of children and

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MSNBC Plays Race Card Against AP For Accurate Transcription of Obama’s Speech

So, Obama can speak in Ebonics, but nobody is allowed to transcribe the actual words Obama speaks, without being called a racist..

If it was not considered racist to speak the way that Obama spoke in his speech to the Black Caucus, then not editing Obama’s spoken words to include the G’s at the end of his words cannot be racist either. If the AP removed the G’s from Obama’s words on their own, then I’d say that a charge of racism may be a little more warranted, but the AP accurately transcribed Obama’s actual words.

I think the real issue is that the Democrats don’t like that Obama sounds like a total idiot when he tries to speak like he is one of the middle class people he is speaking to. Normally, the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media covers for Obama, and would have re-written his speech Ebonics with real words, and Obama and the Democrats are shocked that someone in the media (other than FOX) would not white-wash the details of Obama’s speech to save him from additional embarrassment.


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Obama Admin Ignored Warnings of Solyndra Problems BEFORE Payment of Loan

Now we learn that Obama was actually warned about the problems with the now bankrupt solar-panel company, Solyndra, BEFORE the $500 million loan was handed out!!

Obama chose to ignore the warnings though, and push through the loan, as a thank you payback to his major supporters, who were shareholders and executives in the failed solar-panel company.

For anyone who watches corrupt liberal media to get their news, here is some more info that you will not get from your stations.

Solyndra’s loan application was filed during President Bush’s term, but the Solyndra loan was denied by the Bush administration less than two weeks before Bush left office on January 9, 2009. As soon as Obama took office, his administration reversed the denial of the loan and put the ill-advised loan, which had thrown up many red flags that the Bush administration caught, but the Obama administration ignored, on a fast-track to receive the same loan that the Bush administration denied days before.

A Congressional probe shows that before President Bush left office, Bush’s Energy Department credit committee voted against …

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Obama Says REPUBLICANS Would ‘Cripple’ America, While He Just Destroys It

So, Obama says that REPUBLICANS would ‘cripple’ America?????

That has to be one of the funniest things I have ever heard, because of who said it.

Obama is already way past crippling, and is well on his way to destroying America, in less than one term in the White House.

To save America from sure destruction, we need to make this Obama’s last term in office.

We all need to get out there and do something extra to create votes for conservatives, across the board in 2012, or else there may not be a chance to fix the widespread destruction which the Obama administration has left in it’s deep wake of socialist policies, overspending, and corruption.

Inviting questions, President Barack Obama got one he was happy to answer.

“Would you please raise my taxes?” one man asked the president at a town hall here Monday, hosted by the social networking company LinkedIn.

The questioner described himself as unemployed by choice after succeeding at a search-engine startup company that did “quite well” – he was later identified as former Google executive

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Solyndra Lists “California Democratic Party” As Bankrupt Solar-Panel Plant Creditor

Why would the ultra-liberal and corrupt California Democratic Party be listed in the list of creditors to the failed solar-panel company, Solyndra, and then the California Democratic Party’s communications director, Tenoch Flores, said in a reply that the California Democratic Party was not owed “any funds in any form” from Solyndra.

That is not a denial that they are a creditor of Solyndra. It only means that they do not want Solyndra to pay back the cash they are owed, or they were already paid back, but it sill leaves the question of why? Who would the California Democratic Party be a creditor to a company that received over a half billion dollars in federal loans?


This scandal gets bigger by the minute, and the corruption, and subsequent cover-up attempt reaches into all levels of the Democrat party, from the state level, all the way up the Obama himself.

Out of the hundreds of out-of-work employees, vendors, investors and other creditors in the bankruptcy of government-backed solar-panel maker Solyndra LLC, one name stands

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Rick Perry – “Proven Leadership” Campaign Ad

Rick Perry still hold a slight lead over Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain for the endorsement of usbacklash.org, in the 2012 election for President of the United States, when we remove the most corrupt president in U.S. history – Barack Obama.

Here is Rick Perry’s latest campaign advertisement.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Obamacare Allows Government To Collect Health Records of Every American

Crazy f’ing liberals!!
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are demanding that insurance companies submit detailed health care information about their patients to a national database.

So Obamacare will allow the government to keep a National Government Health Care Records Database containing an exhaustive copy of everyone’s health records?

No Thanks!! I don’t want my information to be systematically stored in some national government database – for God know what purpose, and I definitely don’t need Kathleen Shemaleius and the Obama administration meddling with my health care records, or putting up more red tape between me and my health care needs.

It’s been said a thousand times: Congress had to pass President Obama’s health care law in order to find out what’s in it. But, despite the repetitiveness, the level of shock from each new discovery never seems to recede.

This time, America is learning about the federal government’s plan to collect and aggregate confidential patient records for every one of us.

In a proposed rule from Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of

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