Brain-Dead DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Lies Again to Protect Obama & Liberals

Brain-Dead DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Lies Again to Protect Obama & Liberals

Brain-Dead DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Lies Again to Protect Obama & Liberals

Brain-Dead DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks that anyone can tell that the economy has gotten better on the Obama administration and Democrat’s watch, but that is just another bald-faced lie by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, which anyone in their right mind would be able to tell was not the truth.

The Obama administration came into office with a MUCH lower unemployment rate than Obama has created, and the Obama administration did not create even one job in August, and last month, close to 116,000 people lost their jobs, so if Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks that Obama is making the economy better, she is either completely stupid, or an outright liar. We tend to think it’s the latter.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz insisted to yesterday that “anyone’ can see that the economy is improving and sought to interpret what Pres. Obama really meant when he admitted Monday that Americans were not better off today than four years ago.

“Well, what President Obama said was that certainly

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Michelle Obama Has Spent $10 Million Taxpayer Money on Vacations Alone

Michelle Obama Has Spent $10 Million Taxpayer Money on Vacations Alone

Michelle Obama Has Spent $10 Million Taxpayer Money on Vacations Alone

Like Husband – Like Wife… Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-subsidised, privileged lifestyle is out of control!

Following in Barack Obama’s footsteps of wasteful spending and corruption, Moochelle Obama is doing her best to spend as much of our money as she can before the Obamas get thrown out of the White House on their asses in 2012.

Reports say that, in the past year, Michelle Obama has already spent over $10 million of taxpayer money on her family vacations alone!

The last vacation for Michelle Obama to South Africa reportedly cost the taxpayers $424,142, and doesn’t even include the food, lodging, and ground transportation for the large Obama entourage, and where, for some shady reason, Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha were listed as “Senior Staff.” Is it proper for the Obama’s daughters to be listed as “Senior Staff”, and what is the true reasoning behind such a shady maneuver?

Although ignored by most of America’s liberal-dominated media, several online US news sites are reporting that Michelle Obama’s grand tour of southern

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Obama Admin Planned Additional $469 Million for Solyndra As Financial Troubles Worsened

Now we are learning that, even as Solyndra’s financial situation grew worse and worse, the Obama administration still planned on approving an additional $469 million loan to the now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer, which would have increased the total loss to the American People to over $1 billion.

Obama Admin Planned Additional $469 Million for Solyndra As Financial Troubles Worsened

Obama Admin Planned Additional $469 Million for Solyndra As Financial Troubles Worsened

We would think that Obama administration has their head stuck up their butts, but were pretty sure that the Obama administration knew exactly what they were doing when they gave the $ billions in loans to a failing company, which was run by Obama friends and supporters.

In reality, it’s becoming more clear that Obama really just gave a half billion dollars of our money to his friends and supporters, as a “Thank You” for their support of Obama.

The Obama administration’s Department of Energy was poised last summer to give Solyndra a second major taxpayer loan of $469 million, even as the company’s financial situation was growing more dire.

The Energy Department was actively pushing to provide the second

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National Renewable Energy Lab: Another $1 Billion Green Jobs Failure for Obama

Obama’s Green Jobs scam and failures takes another hit when the “National Renewable Energy Lab” who received about $1 billion in government funding, and started receiving a 64 percent increase in their funding during the Obama administration, just announced a plan to lay off about 10 percent of its staff. So much for Obama’s Green Energy Jobs…

“Their funding for 2008 was $328 million, In 2010 it was $536.5 million. They’ve had a 64 percent increase in their funding during the Obama administration.”

President Barack Obama’s “green jobs” initiatives suffered another major blow late Monday, as the nonprofit National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colorado, announced a plan to lay off roughly 10 percent of its staff through a voluntary buy-out plan.

According to the Denver Post, the lab plans to eliminate between 100 and 150 of its 1,350 jobs. The Obama administration supported the NREL in 2009 with roughly $200 million in stimulus grants. Energy Secretary Stephen Chu visited Golden in May 2009 to promote the NREL as a beneficiary of those funds.

At the time, the Associated Press

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New Documents Show Eric Holder Lied about Knowledge of “Fast & Furious” Gun-Running Scandal

New documents show that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Obama administration’s “Fast & Furious” gun-running scandal.

Mr. Holder claimed that he had just learned about the Obama administration’s “Fast & Furious” gun-running scandal, when the truth is that he knew full-well about the growing scandal, and began receiving memos on the gun-running scheme at least ten months before that hearing, which means that Eric Holder is a corrupt liar who needs to be removed.

As Democrats do every time they are caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing, like evading paying their taxes, or getting caught in a sex scandal, they claim ignorance. We could have told you that these jackass Democrats were ignorant.. Everyone knows that, but Eric Holder claims that he didn’t lie to the committee, but he just misunderstood the question.

The Obama administration and Eric Holder need to be investigated for their lies, corruption, and stupidity regarding the Fast & Furious gun-running scandal, and Eric Holder needs to be punished for his latest crimes.

New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney

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Obama Administration Won’t Reveal Secret Justification To Assassinate Americans

Obama Administration Won't Reveal Secret Justification To Assassinate AmericansThe Obama administration thinks that it is within their rights to kill an American Citizen who says or does things that they don’t like, and say that they were justified in the assassination of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, but many people disagree, and call the killing an assassination or an outright murder.

If the Obama administration feels that they have the right to kill an American Citizen, why are they keeping the justification a secret?

The truth is that the Obama administration really does not have an authority to kill American Citizens, without a trial, just because Obama doesn’t like the person, or what they say or do. Obama is scared that when the truth comes out, and the American People see that they did not have the authority to kill an American Citizen, that the shit is going to hit the fan.

Fortunately, for Obama, the majority of the corrupt Obama-Swooning media will never run a story on the ignoring of our nation’s laws by the Obama administration. We do think the truth will eventually come out, and we …

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Obama Crony Capitalism Continues: Nancy Pelosi’s Brother-In-Law Receives $737 Million Guarantee

Removing Obama and the rest of the cancer that is destroying our nation from the inside, is the only way to start cleaning up our government’s out-of-control corruption, and put our country back on track to recovery.

As long as Obama is in office, the Democrat’s failed policies, inept leadership, and corruption will continue keeping our nation’s economy from recovering, and if Obama and the Democrats have their way, the economy will never recover, and we will all become dependent on the government for the things we need to survive.

Our nation may not be able to survive another 4 years of Obama. – Put an end to Obama’s failed policies, corruption, crony capitalism, and lies by removing him from office in 2012!

Despite the growing Solyndra scandal, yesterday the Department of Energy approved $1 billion in new loans to green energy companies — including a $737 million loan guarantee to a company known as SolarReserve:

SolarReserve LLC, a closely held renewable energy developer, received a $737 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada.

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More Solar Companies Receiving Federal Loans Tied to Democratic Donors

Very soon we will all see very clearly that the Obama administration used their loan guarantee power as a means to pay back the people who helped the Obama administration – either with political support (Nancy Pelosi – Tonopah Solar) or with cash donations (George Kaiser – Solyndra Scandal).

In the past 2 years, the brash Obama administration may have been able to pull off this type of scandal without taking much heat, but the American People have awoken from their teleprompter-induced trance, and are now paying close attention to the actions of the Obama administration.

A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of money to Democratic campaigns.

And as questions swirl around possible connections between political donations and these preferential financing arrangements, the Obama White House suddenly began deflecting The Daily Caller’s questions on Wednesday to the Democratic National Committee.


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