No Urgency: Obama Finally Speaks About His Manufactured Credit Downgrade

So Obama finally decided that he will grace the American people with more of his teleprompter reading, and stopped his constant campaigning and fundraising to speak about his party’s artificially manufactured credit rating downgrade. The first in our nation’s history, under Obama’s watchful eye..

Now he says that trying to fix his destruction of our economy is “something we can do as soon as Congress gets back,” and that “I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks”

Why do we have to wait weeks for you to do something about your royal screw-up? We are all supposed to sit here and deal with Obama and the Democrat’s mess, while the people who caused it vacation, like kings and queens, on our dime? BULLSHIT! Get back to work jackasses, and don’t stop working until you have our country back on a track to solvency!!

A familiar air of indecision preceded President Obama’s pep talk to the nation.

The first draft of his schedule for Monday contained no plans to comment on the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating

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Obama Would Have Caused BBB S&P Rating If Not For Tea Party

Everyone who actually knows what is happening, and doesn’t have their heads stuck up their ass knows that Obama and the Democrats caused the financial problems that our country is currently facing.

Similarly, anyone who knows their ass from a hole in the wall knows that the Tea Party only protected us from the damage that the inept and corrupt Obama administration would have caused if not for the tea party, whom the left is attacking at every opportunity with trumped up charge of racism, terrorism, kidnapping, and any other abhorrent act that they can think up.

This is the same scorched earth politics of destruction that Obama and the Democrats have tried against anyone who has a different viewpoint than they have. Just ask Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Donald Trump.

Even Rick Santelli agrees and has said the following. “Blame the Tea Party? Geez, no wonder Kerry did so well in an election. If it wasn’t for the Tea Party, they would have passed the debt ceiling thumbs up, we would have been rated BBB.”

“You know what

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Remove the Incompetence: Tim Geithner MUST Go!!!

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner does not have a good track record when it comes to being right about what our economy needs, and has led our country down a reckless and treacherous path, leading to our nation’s first credit rating downgrade in history.

Showing how much he knows, he also told the media that there was “no risk” the U.S. will lose its top credit rating, but he was wrong yet again. “No risk of that, no risk,”

Obama needs to be FORCED by the American People to remove Tim Geithner, and insert someone who actually knows what he is doing.

We also need someone who doesn’t have Obama’s hand up his ass, working him like a puppet, because Obama doesn’t have a clue how to run a lemonade stand or a cookie sale, yet the economy of United States of America.

Many people believe everything that is happening to our economy is by Obama’s design, and working perfectly as planned. Looking at the whole picture, including Obama’s radical and terrorist friends, and the way that things have gone since …

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Obama Failed Policies Lead To S&P Downgrade For First Time In History

Due to Obama’s failed policies, and historically rampant over-spending, Standard & Poor’s has lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA for the first time in our nation’s history.

The AAA credit rating has lasted through World Wars, The Great Depression, stock market crashes, 9-11, and anything else that our country has endured.. That is, at least, until Obama took office and started killing jobs and throwing trillions of borrowed dollars down the toilet.

Standard & Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time, dealing a symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what was a sharply worded critique of the American political system.

Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances “less stable, less effective and less predictable.” It said the bipartisan agreement reached this week to find at least $2.1 trillion in budget savings “fell short” of what was necessary to tame the nation’s

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Obama’s Failed Policies Have Cause Dramatic Increase in Food Stamp Dependence

Thanks to Obama’s failed policies, and his attacks on our capitalistic system, which continue killing off jobs and creating uncertainty in the economy, almost 15% of people who live in the U.S. are now dependent on food stamps.

California and New York are among the states who have the highest concentration of people who use food stamps. – Imagine that!!

We now also learn that Obama thinks that extending unemployment benefits will “Create Jobs Right Now”, which demonstrates how out-of-touch Obama is on any and all matters dealing with the economy. Anyone who does not look through Obama’s Socialism glasses will easily be able to see that if you extent unemployment benefits, most people would just consider that extra time that they can relax before finding a job. If you want people to get jobs, don’t give them more money for staying home, because most low-lives will take the extra time and free money, without getting off their asses to look for a job.

“You don’t get out of 9.2% unemployment, you don’t get out of — today it was …

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VA County Sues DHS Over Handling of Illegal Immigration

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ignores oath of office and refuses to do her job, or let other DHS employees do theirs.

The Department of Homeland Security Secretary, and Janet Napolitano (Big Sis) have COMPLETELY failed at their jobs, and have actually made our country much less safe by not only ignoring our nation’s immigration laws, but by their compulsion to actually stand in the way of other immigration employees from upholding our laws and doing their jobs, and now a VA county is trying to do something about it.

In 2010, an illegal immigrant, Carlos Martinelly Montano, was charged with killing a Benedictine nun in Prince William County while driving drunk. The criminal was arrested, and should have been deported by DHS, but instead weas released again on the streets of VA to kill more people.

Prince William County filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security after two separate Freedom of Information Act requests, inquiring about other criminal illegal immigrants who may also have been released, were ignored by Big Sis and the Department of …

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Treasury: U.S. Borrowing Over 100% of GDP After Debt Ceiling Increase

The debt ceiling increase has helped raise our borrowing over 100% of GDP for the first time since 1947!
“The last time US debt topped the size of its annual economy was in 1947 just after World War II. By 1981 it had fallen to 32.5 percent.”

We are now borrowing $14.58 trillion, with a GDP of $14.53 trillion, showing that the Obama administration has no useful ideas, no experience, and no clue how to run a Capitalistic Democracy.

US debt shot up $238 billion to reach 100 percent of gross domestic project after the government’s debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday.

Treasury borrowing jumped Tuesday, the data showed, immediately after President Barack Obama signed into law an increase in the debt ceiling as the country’s spending commitments reached a breaking point and it threatened to default on its debt.

The new borrowing took total public debt to $14.58 trillion, over end-2010 GDP of $14.53 trillion, and putting it in a league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium.

Public debt subject to the official debt limit

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Debt Ceiling Sham Will Not Help Debt Or Stop Obama’s Over-Spending Binge

The more details that come out about the debt ceiling deal struck between the Republicans and Democrats, the more it seems that the deal will not help our nation’s debt problem, or stop Obama’s rampant over-spending binge. In fact, it will most likely make things much worse.

“The Congressional Budget Office currently projects that $9.5 trillion in new debt will have to be issued over the next 10 years. Even if all of the reductions proposed in the deal were to come to pass, which is highly unlikely, that would still leave $7.1 trillion in new debt accumulation by 2021. Our problems have not been solved by a long shot.”

We need to take away Obama’s Blank Check, and in order to save The United States, work to remove as much of the corruption from Washington in 2012! THE CLEAN-UP STARTS WITH OBAMA!

By supposedly compromising to raise the debt ceiling, Congress and the President have now paved the way for ever higher levels of federal spending. Although, the nation was spared the trauma of borrowing restrictions, the actual risk

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