Obama’s New Budget Would Rack Up Additional $3.5 Trillion in US Debt!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

The CBO has scored the Obama administration’s new budget, and their non-partisan analysis shows that Obama has no plan to reduce the huge deficit that the Democrats and his administration have exploded.

The CBO analysis of Obama’s budget exposes what Obama and the Democrats don’t want you to know; that Obama and the Democrats have no idea how to reduce the Obama administration’s rampant over-spending, and are hell-bent on bankrupting our nation as quickly as possible!

President Obama’s budget would pile up an additional $3.5 trillion in debt over the next 10 years and shows the government’s trust funds running out of money in 2020, Congress’s official non-partisan scorekeeper said Friday.

In 2012 alone Mr. Obama’s budget would leave a $1.3 trillion deficit — $82 billion worse than if none of his policies were enacted. Over the next ten years the deficit would dip to less than a half-trillion dollars in 2017, but would rise again in the later years.

By 2022, a decade from now, the federal government would

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CBO Almost Doubles Obamacare Estimate – From $900 Billion to Now $1.76 Trillion! – Cover 4 Million Fewer People!

The Congressional Budget Office has now accurately scored Obama’s Socialized Healthcare Scam, and the results are not good for the American People!

Obamacare to cost more than double what Obama advertised

Obama and the Democrats definitely played with the numbers when putting together their socialized healthcare plan, which initially the CBO estimated would cost Americans $900 billion over 10 years, when instead, if Obama and the Democrats didn’t lie about the numbers they sent to the CBO, the real estimate would have been the $1.76 trillion that is now. Unfortunately, the CBO has to score the bill with the numbers that the Democrats gave them, which were a complete bogus lie by Obama and the Democrats!

On top of the huge additional costs that Obama and the Democrats hid from the American People, we are also learning that Obama’s Socialized Healthcare Scam will cover 4 million people fewer people than they initially said it would cover, when trying to ram the law down our throats.

We need to stop the Democrat Culture of Corruption, and reverse the damage that Obama

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Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

Obama Over-Regulation & Corruption Costs Taxpayers $46 Billion Per Year

A new Heritage Foundation report finds that the 10,215 new federal regulations which the Obama administration has added to the books, since taking office, are costing the American People $46 billion annually, with an additional start-up cost of $11 billion!

Now think back to the last conversation you had with a liberal who wanted to point out President Bush’s over-spending. The brain-dead liberals will never stop attacking President Bush, even though Bush instituted more regulations than Obama, but the 10,674 new Bush regulations only cost taxpayers $8.1 billion, as opposed to the $46 billion that Obama’s Crony Capitalism is costing us!

Lets vote Obama out of office before he finishes the job of tanking tanks our economy for good!

Some 10,215 new federal regulations from the Obama administration are costing consumers, businesses, and the economy overall $46 billion annually, more than five times the regulatory price tag of former President Bush in his first three years in office. Worse: just implementing those regulations had a one-time additional cost of $11

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