Another Obama Green Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy After Receiving $43 Million Government Loan

Yet another one of the companies that Obama’s Energy Department gave $43 million in government-backed loans has filed for bankruptcy, sticking the American taxpayer with the bill.

Just as we have seen with Solyndra, Sun Power, and others, the Obama administration doesn’t worry about how much of our money is being wasted. They only care about how much money and support their wasteful and criminal spending will return to their re-election campaign.

The Obama administration’s inability to not waste money is becoming more than a problem, and we need to do everything in our power to stop the wasteful and most likely criminal abuse and waste of our tax dollars.

A Massachusetts company that received a $43 million Energy Department loan guarantee last year filed for bankruptcy Sunday, a step certain to fuel criticism of federal green energy financing in the wake of the solar company Solyndra’s collapse.

Beacon Power Corp., which develops energy storage systems, filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware.

Beacon Power had received a federal loan guarantee to help build an energy

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CA Democrat Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi Arrested For Grand Theft

California assemblywoman Mary Hayashi charged with felony grand theftDemocrat Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi has been charged with felony grand theft after allegedly stealing almost $2,500 in high-end clothing, such as Leather pants, a black skirt and a white blouse, from a Neiman Marcus store located in San Francisco.

These “Above The Law” actions by this Democrat Assemblywoman reflect the overall lawlessness displayed by many other Democrats. Many of the corrupt Democrats feel that they can do anything they want, without any fear of repercussions, so it is no wonder why other Democrats feel that they should be able to get away with breaking the law as well.

Lets remove all corrupt public employees, and fill their positions with trustworthy people, who don’t feel that they are above the law.

Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi has been charged with felony grand theft after allegedly being caught by security officers stealing nearly $2,500 in clothing from a San Francisco Neiman Marcus store.

The 45-year-old Castro Valley Democrat, wife of a Bay Area judge, pleaded not guilty Thursday in San Francisco Superior Court and is free on $15,000 bail pending further proceedings Nov. 15.

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Obama’s State Department Spent $70,000 On Copies of “Dreams From My Father”

Obama State Department spent $70,000 on copies of Obama's book "Dreams From My Father"

Obama State Department spent $70,000 on copies of Obama's book "Dreams From My Father"

Why the help is our government spending ANY of our tax dollars on Obama’s book?

The ghost-written drivel in Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father”, is nothing that libraries need any help to purchase, if they want a copy, but there is no value at all to reading this book. “Dreams from My Father” is nothing more than a book of lies, stitched together with a few embellished truths, and dressed up to get Obama elected. Nothing more.

The State Department has bought more than $70,000 worth of books authored by President Obama, sending out copies as Christmas gratuities and stocking “key libraries” around the world with “Dreams from My Father” more than a decade after its release.

The U.S. Embassy in Egypt , for instance, spent $28,636 in August 2009 for copies of Mr. Obama’s best-selling 1995 memoir. Six weeks earlier, the embassy had placed another order for the same book for more than $9,000, federal purchasing records show.

About the same time, halfway around

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Woman Raped in Tent at “Occupy” Protest In Cleveland

Woman Raped in Tent at “Occupy" Protest In Cleveland

Woman Raped in Tent at “Occupy" Protest In Cleveland

Obama and the Democrats have aligned themselves with a great group of people, haven’t they?
We have seen and read reports of violence, drug abuse, prostitution, anti-Capitalism, anti-Americanism, with people singing “Fuck the USA”, and now even the rape of a 19-year-old female college student.

Democrats have been courting the “Occupy” protesters to give the Obama administration the smallest glimmer of hope for the election in 2012, but the Democrats have been on the wrong side of most of the important issues and events in our nation’s history, like slavery, for an example, which the Democrats fought a war to protect, and assassinated president Lincoln after he freed the slaves. This is just one more example of how completely out-of-touch Obama and the Democrats really are.

An “Occupy Cleveland” protester tells police she was raped in her tent over the weekend.

Cleveland police are investigating an alleged sexual assault incident Saturday at the “Occupy Cleveland” rally involving a 19-year-old female student from Parma.

According to police reports, the 19-year-old student was

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Obama Bilks Tax-Payers Again For Another Re-Election Campaign Bus Tour

Barack Obama has gone out again for a second round of tax-payer funded bus campaigning in his expensive tax-payer funded buses. The Obama administration has the gall to claimed that the three-day bus tour is not political, even though the bust campaign goes through the states critical to his re-election in 2012.

Obama's Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour.

Obama's Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour.

We’ll see if that is the case, because whenever Obama opens his mouth, he makes it political by spewing attacks at Republicans, while pushing his administration’s Socialist/Marxist policies.

Obama's Tax-Payer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour and Entourage

Obama's Tax-Payer-Funded Campaign Bus Tour and Entourage

We all know what is happening here. The Obama administration is making the U.S. Taxpayer pay for these early stages of his re-election campaign, and any of the excuses he gives to the contrary is just another Obama lie.

These trips are nothing more than tax-payer funded campaigning, which is against the law, but Obama and the Democrats feel that they are above the law. As usual, Obama will do whatever the hell he wants to do, and then rely on the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media to cover for …

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Obama & Democrat Supported Anti-American “Occupy Mobs” Sing “Fuck the USA”

For anyone unsure of the motives of the “Occupy Mobs”, here is a video you will never see on any of the corrupt, Obama-Swooning media that shows exactly how they feel about out great nation. (Feelings obviously supported and shared by Obama and the Democrats)

Obama and the Democrats have come out with overwelming support for the hippies, drug dealers, drug addicts, Socialists, Marxists, and union thugs that make up the Anti-American, Anti-Capitalism, “Occupy Mobs”.

These Socialist Democrats, and their occupy mobs, hate America so much that they even sing songs like the one in this video where they all sing “Fuck the USA”

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform because they don’t want the American People to see the truth. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

Obama and the Democrats should be held responsible for the hundreds of violent crimes and social unrest that their support of these criminal mobs has caused.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Obama Tries Keeping White House Visitor Logs Secret & Off-Limits

So much for the Obama administration being an open and transparent administration, as they claimed rthey would be in order to be elected.

Once elected though, the Obama administration has turned out to be the most corrupt, closed, and secretive administration in the history of our nation.

What is the Obama administration hiding?

What new scandals, crony capitalism, corruption, fraud, or radical terrorist friends would we learn about from looking onto who has been visiting Obama?

The Obama administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that Secret Service records of visitors to the White House complex are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Justice Department filed a formal notice of appeal Friday afternoon regarding U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell’s August ruling rejecting arguments that the so-called WAVES records belong to the White House even though they are maintained and used by the Secret Service.

The decision to appeal the ruling to the D.C. Circuit would appear to be in tension with Obama’s repeated pledges to operate the most transparent administration in history. The White House announced

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Crony Corruption: Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Solyndra Inside Man at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

The Soylndra Solar Panel green-jobs scandal gets worse for the Obama administration everyday, and we are now learning of a new figure central to the Obama scandal which gave his friends and supporters over $500 billion of taxpayer money, just before going bankrupt.

David Prend is an Obama adviser, who pushed hard for the $500 million federal loan guarantee, even though Rockport Capital, Mr. Prend’s company, stood to greatly benefit from the loan because Rockport Capital was an investor and partial owner of Solyndra.

These “Green Jobs Scandals” go all the way to the top of the Obama administration, and they are currently doing their best to mitigate the damages by covering up their roles in the scandals. We will probably never see the evidence showing how up the ladder high these scandals go, but we all know it stops on Obama’s doorstep.

“I thought the White House might want to take advantage of this event to highlight a highly successful public/private partnership.”

— Obama adviser

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