Cops start a manhunt to search for the white dude who TRIED but failed to use a brick to smash into a jewelry cabinet to steal stuff, while hoards of black criminals who actually do steal many thousands of dollars worth of shit are no longer pursued by the police or prosecutors.

How many of the blm terrorist criminals were arrested and charged with a crime after weeks of arson and looting? And how many of the shoplifters that we watch videos of everyday pay the price for their crimes? The answer is not many at all! That are let off the hook because of their skin color.

If this dude was smart, he would have dressed in blackface with a few of his friends when they robbed the store, because we all know that the black smash and grab criminals are completely ignored by the woke “authorities”, and they are almost never punished for their crmes.

Police are searching for a suspect who was caught on video trying over and over to break through a jewelry store display case, but could not break through the glass.

Footage of the incident, which took place at a Kay Jewelers location in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, on June 1, showed the suspect entering the store and then slamming a brick-like object into the top of the display over and over again until a store worker chased him away.

In total, the suspect appeared to throw the blunt item nine times into the glass. Eight times it bounced off. The ninth time it broke through, but that was when the suspect ran off.

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