Rick Perry – “Proven Leadership” Campaign Ad

Rick Perry still hold a slight lead over Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain for the endorsement of usbacklash.org, in the 2012 election for President of the United States, when we remove the most corrupt president in U.S. history – Barack Obama.

Here is Rick Perry’s latest campaign advertisement.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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Obama Lies, Sticks It To Taxpayers Again With Tax Funded Campaign Bus Tour

We know, you are not surprised that Obama lies. We all know that he is a compulsive, pathological liar, but he has lied again, saying that his latest bus tour is not a campaign bus tour, but we all know that is a complete lie, for which he is making us pay.

Where is all of the outrage that we saw from the jackasses on the left though when Sarah Palin went on a bus tour, which she paid for herself, now that Obama is making all of us pay for his campaign bus tour through all of the battleground states, which he is lying about the reason for?

We should not be on the hook to pay for Obama’s re-election campaign bus tour, but as usual, the Obama administration is lying about the reason for the bus tour, and has no problem making the U.S. taxpayer pay for his continued lies.

President Barack Obama’s upcoming bus tour through the Midwest states typically viewed as swing states during presidential election years will be paid for by the taxpayers, the White

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Debt Ceiling Plans: Republicans 3, Democrats 0

The House of Representatives has passed their second of three debt ceiling / debt reduction bills, while Obama and the Democrats sit on the sidelines, with no plan of their own, criticizing Republicans for the hard work that they have had to undertake, with no help from the so-called Democrat “leadership” at all.

I’m convinced that Democrats want our country to go into default on our debt because that makes it much easier for Obama and the Democrats to impose their socialistic beliefs on us. Harry Reid has even said that the House plan is “Dead on Arrival” without even seeing the plan, and with no ideas of their own, other than to tax the crap out of U.S. Citizens.

With the U.S. moving perilously closer to defaulting on its loans, the House passed an increase in the federal debt limit as part of Speaker John Boehner’s third version of a deficit-reduction bill, which includes a balanced budget amendment — a pivotal provision for securing the support of hard-line Republicans.

The bill passed in a 218-210 vote, with all House

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Racist Rep. James Clyburn Urges Obama To Use Executive Order To Raise Debt Ceiling

Racist South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn shows how much he knows about the constitution when he urges Obama to bypass the Congress, to use an Executive Order invoking the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling without approval of Congress.

This is the same jackass who said that the problems that the “president’s problems are in large measure because of the color of his skin.”, likened using an Executive Order to raise the debt ceiling to the Emancipation Proclamation, and was also one of 31 Democrats who voted in the House not to count the electoral votes from Ohio in the 2004 presidential election, because it would have given John Kerry a better chance of winning the election. So who would listen to this idiot?

Even Obama has said that raising the debt ceiling with an executive order is not an option, and is off the table, but he also said that he “talked to my lawyers” and “they are not persuaded that that is a winning argument.”. So if it were possible, he would have already crammed their increased …

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