14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill – Tea Party Challenger Hunt Underway

14 Republican Senators Sign Own Walking Papers With Vote For Amnesty Bill - Tea Party Challenger Hunt UnderwayHere are the names of the 14 Republican pussies in the Senate who caved to the Democrat’s and voted for the ‘Gang of 8’ pork-filled Amnesty bill.

Looking over this list – there is not one strong Conservative in the bunch. All of these fake conservatives have sold-out the American People for a few non-existent votes.

  • Lamar Alexander
  • Kelly Ayotte
  • Jeffrey Chiesa
  • Susan Collins
  • Bob Corker
  • Jeff Flake
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Dean Heller
  • John Hoeven
  • Mark Kirk
  • John McCain
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Marco Rubio

Hope it was worth it!

Each of these nutless turds will surely be targeted by Tea Party Patriots in the next election, and many of them will end up losing their cushy jobs due to their brainless vote for the surprise-filled ‘Gang of 8’ Amnesty bill, which will hopefully die in the House of Representatives anyway.

It’s time for John McCain, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Orrin Hatch, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, John Hoeven, Lisa Murkowskim, Mark Kirk, Dean Heller, Lamar Alexander, Kelly Ayotte and Jeffrey Chiesa to go! Tea Party Patriots should make sure

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Corrupt Jackoff Harry Reid Secretly Slips Las Vegas Casino Handouts Into Immigration Reform Bill

Corrupt Jackoff Harry Reid Secretly Slips Las Vegas Casino Handouts Into Immigration Reform Bill

Corrupt Jackoff Harry Reid Secretly Slips Las Vegas Casino Handouts Into Immigration Reform Bill

Typical government corruption rears it’s head again as corrupt jackoff Harry Reid and Dean Heller slip Las Vegas crony handouts into the proposed immigration reform bill.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) have inserted a provision that amounts to little more than a handout to Las Vegas casinos into the repackaged immigration reform bill, Breitbart News has learned. This provision, a brazen example of crony capitalism, was inserted into the immigration law enforcement section of the bill despite the fact that it has nothing whatsoever to do with “immigration” or “law enforcement.”

On page 66 of the repackaged bill, the following provision appears:

“CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION.—Sec- 9(d)(2)(B) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (22 U.S.C. 2131(d)(2)(B)) is amended by striking ‘‘For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015,’’ and inserting ‘‘For each fiscal year after 2012.”

The Travel Promotion Act (TPA) of 2009 allows the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury to spend up to $100 million on promoting travel

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Democrat Member of Saugus California School Board Accused of Being a “Nazi” – Denies Nazi Connection

Democrat Member of Saugus California School Board Accused of Being a "Nazi"  - Denies Nazi Connection

Democrat Member of Saugus California School Board Accused of Being a “Nazi” – Denies Nazi Connection

If people think that Stephen Winkler is the only “Nazi” actively in the Democrat party, you are sadly mistaken.

The truth is that Democrats wish we could be a socialist nation with a dictator, and with Obama in the White House they have tried their best to make that happen.

Stephen Winkler says that he has been a “lifelong Democrat”, but he seemed to leave off the “Nazi” portion. (lifelong Nazi Democrat) Even his hair cut is the same as other Nazis and White Supremacists.

Saugus, California school board member Stephen Winkler may have allegedly posted on Youtube that he truly enjoys Nazi anthems, and he may also have tweeted that the school board makes him long for national socialism, but that doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi. At a forum on Thursday night, Winkler faced down critics, explaining, “I am not a Nazi.”

Suspicions have arisen about Winkler’s beliefs after someone named Stephen Winkler “favorited” a group of Nazi-centric videos, and commented on one,

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Brain Dead Republican Susan Collins Believes Corrupt NSA Chief Keith Alexander Cover-Up

Quivering Jackass & Fake-Republican Susan Collins asked NSA chief Keith Alexander “I saw an interview in which Mr. Snowden claimed that due to his position at NSA he could tap into virtually any American’s phone call or e-mails,” said Senator Susan Collins. “True or false?”

Alexander answered “False. I know of no way to do that.” and then brain-dead Susan Collins said “Thank You, I just wanted to clarify that because perhaps that is one issue we could put to rest”

WHAT?? NSA chief Keith Alexander has already proven that he is a liar, who will continue covering-up the corruption and crimes of the Obama administration. Why would his vague answer put anything to rest? If anything his answer brings out more questions.

NSA chief Keith Alexander says Edward Snowden’s claim that he could tap any phone call or email is “false”:

“I saw an interview in which Mr. Snowden claimed that due to his position at NSA he could tap into virtually any American’s phone call or e-mails,” said Senator Susan Collins. “True or false?”

The NSA chief said,

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Holder / Obama Prediction: Holder Resigns Then Receives Huge Government Contract in Private Sector

Criminals Obama and Holder may go down together.

Criminals Obama and Holder may go down together.

Here is the usbacklash.org prediction for the ultimate end of Holder’s time at the DOJ.

If we look closely at Obama’s past actions it should be possible to predict what he will do in future situations. The number one thing that this administration has done is reward Obama’s friends and supporters, and punish the administration’s opposition.

If we apply the former actions, and apply them to the situation where Obama needs to dump Holder, but can’t, because Holder knows all of Obama’s secrets. What will end up happening is a tradeoff of huge monetary benefit to Holder in exchange for his resignation.

Just Watch. Holder will offer his resignation to Obama sometime down the road, when the heat gets too hot for the administration. After his resignation is accepted, Holder will either start a company, or take a job at some company in the private sector which “happens” to start receiving huge government contracts. It will be Obama’s hush money, paid for by the American taxpayer.

This won’t be the first time …

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Girl Scouts Organization Threatens Troop With Collections After Cookie Order Mixup

Girl Scouts Organization Threatens Troop With Collections After Cookie Order Mixup

Girl Scouts Organization Threatens Troop With Collections After Cookie Order Mixup

The Girl Scouts Organization should be completely ashamed at how they handled this situation!

Girl Scouts make a lot of money for the national organization by pushing the overpriced boxes of Girl Scout Cookies that we all have purchased.

One troop in Texas accidentally ordered 500 cases of cookies, instead of 500 boxes, and now the troop is being threatened with collection efforts by the The Girl Scouts Organization, if the troop cannot pay off all 6,000 boxes of cookies by June 3.

I wonder why the Girl Scouts Organization sent 500 cases of cookies to a troop with only 5 girls? Someone at the Girl Scouts Organization should have contacted the troop leader and confirmed that they actually wanted that huge amount of girl scout cookies, or if the order was a mistake.

I will definitely re-think spending the $5 per box of Girl Scout Cookies now that I know how badly the national organization treats individual troops.

A Texas Girl Scout troop has bitten off more than

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Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Amazon.com has taken to bashing conservatives, so we are calling for all conservatives to avoid amazon.com products and services until they change their ways, and cancel their new conservative-bashing original show Alpha House is cancelled.

Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled

Liberals with “media power” have cast conservatives in a bad light for many years, and the untrue liberal lies continue being pushed by Democrats like Garry Trudeau and Amazon.com.

It’s actually pretty funny that stupid people throughout America continue to believe the lies from the most corruption-filled party the world has ever seen. (Democrats – The party of tax evasion and abortions)

Anyone who actually believes the often-repeated Democrat lies are just brain-dead liberal dumb-fucks anyway who obviously are brainwashed idiots who cannot think, create, or provide for themselves. The only reason why these lazy and stupid liberal pieces of shit can even survive is because they suck on the government’s tit, happily stealing the money that you and I worked hard for, because they are too lazy to get …

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Christie Now Looking For Obama’s Help in Election After Helping Elect Obama in 2012

Obama and Chris Christie are teaming up again for more photo ops on the Jersey coast.

Christie Now Looking For Obama's Help in Election After Helping Elect Obama in 2012

Christie Now Looking For Obama’s Help in Election After Helping Elect Obama in 2012

The last time Obama and Christie teamed up was when Chris Christie was helping elect Obama in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, but this time it is Christie looking for re-election help from Obama.

These two are a perfect pair. Like Laurel and Hardy.

President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are getting back together for another tour of the Jersey Shore.

Obama will travel to New Jersey on Tuesday to inspect the Shore’s recovery from Hurricane Sandy, a White House official said Thursday.

While in New Jersey, Obama will deliver remarks about “expanding economic opportunity for middle class families who were hard hit by the storm” and meet with residents who have benefited from the federal recovery efforts.

The trip will be Obama’s first since Sandy interrupted the presidential campaign last October. Then, Obama and Christie viewed the state’s damaged shoreline by helicopter and visited with residents

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